Playing with Hot wheels : Colour Shifters

Playing with Hot wheels : Colour Shifters

Lets relax a little and play with water , hehehe I have some colour shifters and im gonna show you guys how they change based on the temperature of the water. Evil Eye : i gues this one has 3 colour variations , blue for hot , purple for cold and brown for freezing water. RD-05 : green for warm and brown for cold water. Audacious : light green for hot and dark green for cold. ….are going to take a bath for us today :) ) Theyr realy fun to play with and you can make some colour paterns on them . I dont have to many but i will defenetly get more. have fun and as always..THANKS for watching.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

16 thoughts on “Playing with Hot wheels : Colour Shifters

  1. Be sure to do it in a warm room or else your hands will freeeeeeeeeze , hehehe. Thanks for stopping by my friend.

  2. Nice presentation. It’s been a while since I’ve seen color shifters actually being used. thanks for the vid.

  3. omg pitstop thats too funny….im cracking up at that…..nice demonstration the color changers too

  4. My nephew is having today birthday. I love him to pieces but his dad annoys the crap out of me. Guess what we bought him… thats right… ramones color changer custom paint shop. He will be happy and it will be a MESS hahaha

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