TYT – Extended Clip August 30, 2011

TYT - Extended Clip August 30, 2011

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23 thoughts on “TYT – Extended Clip August 30, 2011

  1. more tits :/ would get u more views have her wear a tighter shirt good try though

  2. Dude watching the young turks is kinda like watching Fox news, they both are controlled by the government. #think

  3. How is revealing something about a past election campaign, a past candidate stabbing him in the back?

  4. Hey Ana its real easy to sit back and support rioters when your house isn’t being burnt down or looted, isn’t it.

  5. “A Border Patrol agent died during this…” Ana said. Yeah, well, he was just a working guy, why should Administration give a shit? Answer…they do NOT. When was the last time ANY executive gave a damn about the American working stiff? Answer…well, we’ll keep waiting. But we just gotta get rid of unions & Social Security first. That’ll help the working folks, right? Gee, the government runs guns to criminals? Who knew? The CIA imports drugs? Who knew? A guy got killed? Who cares?

  6. The chinese military figures are not correct and doctored so that people don’t think they are militaristic, so don’t believe Cenk.

  7. John McCain was a horrible presidential candidate. As bad as Obama is McCain and Palin would have been even worse.

  8. Jew & Home foreclosures :-

    1. 1998, Brooksley Born ( white woman ), Head of Commodities of Futures Trading wanted to regulate the subprime & derivatives trading by the Wall Street banks.

    2. 5 Jews who opposed & blocked her :-

    Alan Greenspan, Arthur Levitt, Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, Timothy Geithner – all Jews

    3. In 2008, these subprime mortgages exploded & thaousands of Americans were homeless.

    4. PBS video, The Warning is on youtube. Footage of testimony to US Congress included.

  9. Re: the Keystone XL pipeline – TransCanada has already laid 3000 kilometers of this pipeline in U.S as of Feb 2011, just another 700 km to go until they reach the Gulf of Mexico.

    Were people protesting two/three years ago?

  10. Jew & CIA :

    1. Lewis ” Scooter ” Libby was the Chief of Staff to Vice President Dick Cheney.

    2. Scooter Libby exposed the identity of an CIA officer Valerie Plame. Under US law, exposing CIA operative officer is Treason, punishable by Death.

    3. Scooter Libby is Jew

  11. I love Dick Cheney he makes a great historical figure to play in some future history channel movie. He is like a guy a bunch of comedians sat around designing him to be that way. About his loyalty. That is because he is not really a Republican he is a Libertarian who knew enough to realize that as a Lib he’d never become what he did so he became a Republican. Meaning if the Lib party were among the two big parties he’d have been one and not a republican. He is a personal opportunist.

  12. Financial Enemy of Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, & America – Jew

    1. Goldman Sachs CEO, Lyold Blankfein - Jew

    2. IMF Deputy CEO, John Lisky - Jew

    3. Ex IMF CEO, Dominic Strauss - Jew

    4. World Bank CEO, Robert Zoellick – Jew

    5. Ex World Bank CEO, James Woolfesen – Jew

    6. Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke – Jew

    7. Ex Fed Chairman, Alan Greenspan – Jew

    8. Obama Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner - Jew

    9. George Bush Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson -Jew

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