Classic Game Room – PA TURNPIKE ADVENTURE for Atareks 5201 review

Part 1 of 2: Classic Game Room HD reviews PA TURNPIKE ADVENTURE for Atareks 5201. Part 2 is here This is an amazing life-like driving simulator that really makes you believe that you’re driving across the great state of Pennsylvania. This amazing game for Atareks 5201 is a beta copy with a few unfinished areas (like the Death Star style tunnel battle) but shows this revolutionary driving game being played. Solid gameplay with a real car controller and actual trucks make playing PA TURNPIKE ADVENTURE the adventure of a lifetime. The first track available is route 76 (Rt 76) a toll road across beautiful, scenic Pennsyvnia farmlands and through rolling hills and scary tunnels. Classic Game Room reviews this game, an Atareks 5201, up to the Philadelphia level. Bonus stages include New Jersey and Maryland. While there were no cars on fire on the PA Turnpike this day there are tunnels, trucks and even signs. Wow!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “Classic Game Room – PA TURNPIKE ADVENTURE for Atareks 5201 review

  1. 【】『現金にお悩みの方』いらっしゃいましたら、私の勝手な事情によりどなたかにお譲りしようと思います。どなたかお受け取りになる方いましたら、どうぞ此方から【】で検索頂けたら、最短30分程でお受け取りになる事が可能となっております…

  2. 【】皆様にご相談があります…どなたかお金にお困りの方おりませんか?私は自分のお金の使い道に困っております。自分の諸事情なのですが…どなたか5,000,000円受け取って下さる方いらっしゃいませんか?どなたにでもお譲り致します。条件等は一切ございません。いきなりこんな所に書き込んでしまって失礼を承知の上ですが、どなたかに受け取って頂きたく思っております。受け取って頂けるという方は、こちらから【】か又は、youtube内の動画検索にて『 よふさ 』で検索して頂きますと、受取人様の準備がととのい次第、最短30分程でお受け取りになる事ができます。急な話で信じられないかもしれませんが、人生の転機は急に訪れるものです。お困りの方はご連絡の方お待ちしております。準備は出来ていますので本日中にでもお渡しできます。

  3. if this had flame throwers in it – it wouldnt be a bad game? graphics are sub par for the Atareks 5201

  4. As someone from PA I wouldn’t consider arriving in Philadelphia as an award.

  5. I heard that you can suffer terrible consequences from crashing. Some of the beta testers almost died! Unbelievably realistic. Way ahead of it’s time.

  6. i see why u dont like flyers fans =) but whats wrong with eagles fans =( but ending up in philly is a HUGE positive

  7. The game’s gonna be much more exciting when they reverse the order of the levels and make Pittsburgh the prize. The hidden “overnight fog in the mountains” level is a lot more exciting, by the way.

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