Driving Sports TV – 2009 Mazda5 GT: Soul of a Sports Car?

Aaron Bartel takes a look at the 2009 Mazda5 in his first real car review for Driving Sports TV Live. Naturally, Ryan can’t help but get involved.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

See assistant editor Chris Chilton in action in CAR’s video review as he tests the £1.4 million convertible supercar surely the fastest way yet invented to bronze yourself on the Côte dAzur.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

52 thoughts on “Driving Sports TV – 2009 Mazda5 GT: Soul of a Sports Car?

  1. I am interested in this vehicle because it is what became of my researching the new Ford Cmax. I saw it at the autoshow and it made sense to me because of one big feature. The sliding door, thats the only thing that makes it what it is. I hate stepping in and out and around of the door when loading the kids and banging your neighbors door at the mall etc.
    Man its the SLIDING DOOR.

  2. you did the 0-60 time starting in gravel… you can hear the rocks tinking off the car… that wasnt fair.

  3. I don’t get the “GT” part. The Mazda5 is a good car, but there’s absolutely no “zoom-zoom” in this car at all LOL. Forget about the GT version…. I mean common, Zero to Sixty in 12 seconds…. just go with the stripped down version and you will be getting what the car is really all about, its utility factor, that’s why you buy a Mazda5. Not to race Honda’s!

  4. This guys are idiots… testing car on public road… and they do not know anythink about cars. GT – means Grand Touring not sport car. And sorry but i have iPhone and this program is shitty, not accurate at all.

  5. .97g hahahahahaha what a joke you guys are…using an iPhone for your stats, funny

  6. Yeah, ok I get it isn’t a sports car. (My current ride is a ’98 Grand Prix GTP with aftermarket chip (0-60 less than 6 seconds), and yes, it would take this car out like it’s nothing.) But, considering I’m looking for something in between a SUV & minivan to seat my family, but has good gas mileage I think this my next car! I’ll leave my Grand Prix in the garage for casual driving. Need to clear my insurance anyway from the speeding tickets! =)

  7. I think in contrast to a lot of vans currently on the market, the Mazda 5 is at least one of the more fun to drive. It’s right up there with an Odyssey, though I’d prefer the reduced the weight and stringing out a 4 cylinder instead of getting into real trouble with the Odysseys v6.

    Unfortunately, the Mazda 5 is the closest thing to a JDM Honda Stream, which I think would work incredibly well in the US, instead of the Accord Crosstour.

  8. A semi-decent review. The part about long road trips is just speculation on their part. I recently drove a 2009 model via a rental car over 400 miles, and it was quite comfortable, and I’m 6’4″. There is plenty of passing speed and road trips is really where this vehicle excels with respect to gas millage. I got close to 28 mpg even doing 70+ mph most of the way.

  9. Typical error: trying to squeez out a sportscar of a kindergarden-cart.
    At least find one with a stick shift!

  10. Test Drive anything you like before taking a decision. Internet reviews are not an Absolute Truth.
    If Mazda5 have not enough Zoom-Zoom for you… try Mazda3 Hatchback (best compact ever “IMO”)

  11. The question is “who is this review aimed at?” I am considering spending the money to buy the Mazda 5 and after seeing your review I was put off buying. I submit that most people are not interested in racing the car but in other things. As far as the Autobahn, it was built for speed, unlike the UK motorways or US highways, and that is a reason there is no speed limit. The idea is that a normal car drives as well at faster speeds. I find Clarkson controversial and juvenile, personally. Anywas

  12. FWIW: Isle of Man has no speed limits, nor do sections of the Autobahn. To quote Clarkson, “Speed doesn’t kill people, stopping suddenly does.”

    The biggest issue in the USA is a total disregard for proper driver instruction. Even within posted speed limits most drivers do not have adequate car control.

    Every car can do the speed limit. It’s HOW it does that speed limit that defines the differences. When pushed beyond (in controlled conditions) those differences become more pronounced.

  13. I apologize if in any way I offended you. I just feel that Mr Average is looking for something other than what you are trying to measure. People look for a reliable car with a nice feel at realistic speeds. Driving fast is a dangerous thing. You can run over a child or kill a motorcyclist. Driving very fast is some type of hobby but I want my car to cruise comfortably and for my kids to love it etc. Homer Simpson is a fun person and he wanted a car with a big horn etc (you saw the episode).

  14. No top down top speed is 224mph. And maybe you should have checked the forcast!

  15. This car goes for 0-200kmh in just 2.1 seconds……………………how little do you have to push the gas to just do normal street speeds?

  16. yes the grandsport is the convertible version and the supersport is the fastest veyron ever made, it produces 1200 HP and does 430 km/h…

  17. This is the only car i wouldn’t buy if i won the lottery….maybe when i have a billion.

  18. so im watching the vid, get to the end and I see my house and the post office opposite my house…wtf

  19. There is a myth on BV. Most of videos show this car wins drag races all,simply because of power to the top gear. Most of us were born not that luck to have a chance to drive this $million car. Is this “super car”? Can any one prove with a video shown this car is a winner on a track (other than on straight drag race)? See my videos:



    I did test for corning entry speed (long description in the video):


  20. yup well i forgot the roof at home so i guess im only going to get to go 217 mph what a shame

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