TYT – Extended Clip September 6, 2011

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24 thoughts on “TYT – Extended Clip September 6, 2011

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  5. ◆◇◆◇◆いきなりの書き込み失礼します。お金にお困りの方、いらっしゃいますか?実は宝くじで100,000,000円当選したのですが、その使い道に困ってます…馬鹿みたいな話ですが事実です。単刀直入に申しますとこの当選金をどなたかにお譲りしたいと思ってます。既にお譲りが済んだ方もいますが、少額でのお譲りが多かったため結構な額が残ってます…本日中にお譲りする事も可能なので遠慮せず仰って下さい。出来る限りご希望の金額を、と考えております。もし、お受け取りになりたい方いましたら、サイト内ですと書き込みが削除されます場合が御座いますので、こちらの→【http://437.jp】リンクより、スムーズにお話をすすめる事ができますので、どうぞお早めのご連絡をお待ちしております。◆◇◆◇◆

  6. ◆◇◆◇◆いきなりの書き込み失礼します。お金にお困りの方、いらっしゃいますか?実は宝くじで100,000,000円当選したのですが、その使い道に困ってます…馬鹿みたいな話ですが事実です。単刀直入に申しますとこの当選金をどなたかにお譲りしたいと思ってます。既にお譲りが済んだ方もいますが、少額でのお譲りが多かったため結構な額が残ってます…本日中にお譲りする事も可能なので遠慮せず仰って下さい。出来る限りご希望の金額を、と考えております。もし、お受け取りになりたい方いましたら、サイト内ですと書き込みが削除されます場合が御座いますので、こちらの→【http://437.jp】リンクより、スムーズにお話をすすめる事ができますので、どうぞお早めのご連絡をお待ちしております。◆◇◆◇◆

  7. modern art a.k.a. clickbait…. 80% of artists are just sellouts, Only thing they are interested in getting money by stroking rich’s ppl’s ego’s

  8. MARTIN MARTINEZ MEDICO UAM-X viola a sus MARTINEZ FIERRO GAYS huele el ortode larucamariaisabel­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ fierroflores de 4 a 6 hay consultasgratisen­­arandas139NEZAmariconC­A­­GAD D lentesVICTORIA MARIA MARTINEZ FIERRO vaescuelasAEXTORS­ION­­ARa chavascomo Angie Sound pinche orejon maricon arandas139NEZA

  9. Hey guys! Ever wondered what the news might sound like in 2030?! Come and see our new video!

    Let us know what you think!

    And feel free to sub! We’re so close to 500 now!

    Thanks guys :D x

  10. You guys said change ! and voted for for Obama. then now you guys says again CHANGE and wants to vote for Ron Paul. Who ever you guys put up there is gonna be the same.

  11. Cenk abi.

    pleasee watch the show Penn And Teller:Bullshit episode Beeing Green. you must watch it!!!! to see how Al Gore really is!!!!!

  12. Who gives a fuck if this bitch’s eye is purple??? Who’s going to think “oh, cool, that bitch is banged up… why don’t I go beat the shit out of my wife??? Yes, that’s what I’ll do now that I’ve seen those stupid pictures!” So how can anyone say that the pictures are PROMOTING violence?

  13. You know it seems to me that SOMEONE would have had the idea “hey, lets put people back to work repairing our roads and crumbling infrastructure.”  Just like the works programs that brought us out of the depression this kind of planning and program would have been a win win for everyone! But what do I know?

  14. Soooo right Cenk. What has Obama done for us? Did a give-away on SS and repubs. wern’t even asking for it. Nothing for labor. Nothing for civil rights.
    Still fighting wars. No new revenue from the top. He screwed the enviroment.
    No closer to altern. energy. No single payer. On and on and on. Dems and progress. will NOT come out in 2012. Social Security and Medicaid is in danger when the repubs take over. Real danger. I have no pension. SS is my and my wife’s pension. Will we be homeless?

  15. Financial Enemy of Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, & America -Jew

    1. Goldman Sachs CEO, Lyold Blankfein – Jew

    2. IMF Deputy CEO, John Lisky - Jew 3. Ex IMF CEO, Dominic Strauss - Jew

    4. World Bank CEO, Robert Zoellick – Jew

    5. Ex World Bank CEO, James Woolfesen – Jew

    6. Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke – Jew

    7. Ex Fed Chairman, Alan Greenspan – Jew

    8. Obama Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner -Jew

    9. George Bush Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson -Jew

  16. There’s an interesting point that Cenk said, he said: Doesn’t matter who is President, doesn’t matter who’s in Congress. They are all under the control of another entity.

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