BEAUTIFUL FUTURE BRIDE! (3.12.11 – Day 681)

Alli’s youtube channel: – GOOD NEWS her epic wedding dress video is live now! Go check it out on her channel :) NEW SHIRTS, check em out! there are a couple hoodies left too Don’t forget to LIKE us on Charles’ twitter: Alli’s twitter: Our Dailybooth pages: Free CTFxC iphone/ipod/ipad app:

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

49 thoughts on “BEAUTIFUL FUTURE BRIDE! (3.12.11 – Day 681)

  1. Ugh, I’m watching this a year and a half later and even though I watched the wedding I am sitting here tearing up seeing Alli in all the dresses and seeing everyone else tear up. <3

  2. Anything else?
    And I want you to spit in that girl’s food
    No! Charles, stop! rofl xD

  3. awe :) i feel like at 10:21 alli and dot were having a staring contest to see who would actually cry first haha cause they were both trying to fight the tears <3

  4. omg i live near the micky mouse ear thing and that subway that u guys went to i go there all the time and i know exactly where it is!!!!!

  5. Haha the dirty looks all the other women are giving alli when she has the dress on with all the attention! So funny

  6. We’re gonna be the first first-world nation to be part of the second-world if we don’t wake up.

  7. Cenk Uygur is a right-wing fraud. Search ‘Cenk Accused Of Being A Republican’ on YouTube. It’s a video by Cenk himself admitting he was a hardcore right winger until recently. Pro-Reagan, pro war in Afghanistan, worked for Republican Joseph DioGuardi in New York, supported John Birch Society (radical right-wing group). Then realized it would be easier to make a media career for himself by ‘converting’ to liberalism – and whaddya know, he’s now on MSNBC!!

  8. these fuckers are not Turks. They are boring fuckin americans with no personality and they need to get the fuck off the air. Especially the cunt. Damn I hate this blonde bitch. What a useless cunt – no fuckin personality.

  9. Nope, Obama is a failure and needs to go. I’ll vote for him if the GOP runs a nut job like Bachmann. But if they run someone centrist I’ll vote against Obama.

  10. Boobies….you buy the insurance & After 10yrs you can go back to get another set …YEEAAaaahhhhhhh!!!! or you let it run its course and God Forbid something happens ….. Any surgical experiment…( and it is an experiment no matter who  it is cuz no one person will know if their bodies can handle it or not) but it should always be Warranted with Caution ALWAYS

  11. Wow… Michael… wtf? Congratulating Jesus then giving him hipster BS about how YOU were there first? You want a cookie, asshole? Keep your half-ass friendliness to your self and use that energy to instead improve your ability to fire up TYT and actually make things interesting for the audience. Make yourself a truly happy person first instead of making others feel terrible to make yourself feel good for a few seconds.

  12. Geez, she’s got a deeeeep voice. You know how you get a voice like that? Smoke 2 packs a day man. before you know it, you’re a front vocalist for Slipknot.

  13. My partner had her’s done (boobies) years back. And people still cannot believe that they’re fake. They always say that they thought they were hers, and real.
    That’s a good boob job.

  14. What does not being able to hear him (due to faulty hardware) have anything to to do with the man’s intellectual input. Nah, Michael’s got a lot of great ideas and he delivers them VERY well. Next to Cenk, he’s TYT’s best commentator. At least in my opinion.

  15. (wo-o-w…uncomfortable moment there in the beginning…)
    Seems to me not a lot of TYT members like Michael Shure. I could be wrong. If I’m wrong, I apologise.

    ook ook!

  16. nice job on the HD but you guys really need to work on your audio levels, I’m gaming Counter Strike Source right now with you guys in the background and i keep getting awped cause I have to turn you up and down

  17. I think it’s hilarious that the reasoning is that even though it’s bad and can kill you people, “know enough to make an informed decision”. That’s the exact reason for legalizing drugs, but apparently that’s only cool for breast implants.

  18. Dude, I can not hear this fucking guy. Get him off the show, please.

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