Car Crushing Video (Crush Car Video) by Metro Salvage Ltd. Bolton UK

Channel M’s coverage of the 10000th car to be crushed by the DVLA. Great car crushing video (crush car video). At Metro Salvage we’re carefully removing these harmful chemicals … all and disposing of them, inline with the governments instructions and guidelines.

25 thoughts on “Car Crushing Video (Crush Car Video) by Metro Salvage Ltd. Bolton UK

  1. Yes, but what many “forget” is that :-

    1) Sometimes government/police/DVLA databases are wrong, and then the government/police/DVLA have to pay out and end up looking like a bunch of incompetent imbeciles

    2) A lot of resources (raw materials, metal, electricity, gas etc) go into building cars, new and old. Surely it would be greener to keep a car going while it still has “life” in it?

    I’m sure some green ideas don’t bear up to scrutiny and turn out to be as green as blood (c.f. clear as mud!)

  2. Yes, I realise that. I was more meaning just how destructive it was to rip the bonnet off with such force as opposed to unscrewing/unbolting it. and also with regards to keeping the engine. However, I’m now led to understand that the scrap value of the engine material (iron or aluminium, working or not) is much more attractive than keeping spare engines for re-use.

  3. Bring the road tax down govern the crazy prices to insure cars now ! Then maybe all of us will able to pay rip off Britain all thus government is interested in now is money

  4. Because the metal in the body was steel (covered in fibreglass, in this case). The engine is often iron or Aluminium, and is sorted separately. Its more valuable torn from the frame and recycled on its own.

  5. That’s because it IS fibreglass. Its a tubular space frame and a fibreglass cladding. Crunchycrunch.

  6. just look at the body of the car, it’s so reliable! it looks crispy when crushed!

  7. i see nothing wrong with the law in this case. the car is not wasted as it will be going into making new ones which are more fuel efficiant and reliable. as regards to give it to another family, if the family was in such a way that they couldnt afford a different car then how prey tell would you expect them to tax it and insure it? it takes a scrap yard on average 3 weeks to take in a car, sell whats good and then scrap it, this way is alot quicker and the government pay for its destruction

  8. If the car was roadworthy and in good nick, I totally agree with you. It’s plain wrong to crush cars just because their old owners refuse to pay tax, et al.

    Give it to people who would appreciate it!

  9. Typical U.K antics.

    We could give the car to a family that would appreciate it, but no we must just waste it. Typical United Kingdom.

  10. BTW, what was the idea of ripping off the bonnet?

    Why not cut out and save the engine/gearbox?!

  11. Surely there is a mandatory time window they have to give between impounding a car and crushing it (7 days, for example)?

  12. “the person who owned it decided the rules didn’t apply to him”

    Yea, fuckwad. That’s why. Some genius you are. I’m glad I live over here and make more in two weeks than you do in a year.

  13. if your car gets taken contact the police reclaim it say its yours and that your in lawful rebellion as allowed by the magna carta section 61,or claim civil disobedience in court as your against the illegal and unlawful wars in iraq and afganistan under the neuremberg principals,the war law treaty s51&52 and the military war law as any tax paying citizen of the offending country is aiding and abetting genocide!check out tony blair war crimes on youtube for proof ;-)

  14. It is sick how people like this just crush cars and dont give a shit
    there are still many classic cars being crushed today because of people like this

  15. I wouldn’t say just American teens. ALL teens in general are ohhrible drivers (im a teen too but I don’t drive because I don’t have a car nor a liscense)

  16. We really deserve the economic crisis when this is how we treat perfectly good cars. If someone didn’t pay their taxes (which are ridiculously high in Europe anyway), sell the car to someone else. What a bunch of hypocrites.

  17. Fucken retards, fuck the van, did you see all those nice ass cars at the end??

  18. This is disgusting, its akin to burning someones house down because theyve missed a council tax payment.

    Their argument that untaxed vehicles are likely to e used in criminal activities is not only a lie, its pathetic.

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