Preet Se Bandhi Yeh Dori…Ram Milayi Jodi – Episode 178

Goldie tells Anukalp that he has seen great potential in him so he wanted him to help in the growth of the company. Goldie says him that they should forget all old differences and work for the company. He asserts Anukalp to think before taking any decision and tears off the resignation letter. Mona is lost in her thoughts. Karan sees the cradle and tells Hetal to keep the gifts in Sweety’s room. Hetal tells Karan that she has committed a mistake by buying new gifts for the unborn baby as Daarji had told them not to buy gifts. Karan consoles her and tells her to give the gifts to Sweety after two months. Bharati asks Mona if she has any news of Hetal. Mona tells her that Amrit will take care of Hetal. Bharati tells Mona that she is worried that Hetal won’t be able to take care of her in-laws. She tells Bijal not to encourage Hetal when she complains about her in-laws. Bijal taunts Mona that she will not win Bharati’s heart by instigating Bharati against Hetal. Goldie offers Anukalp lift home. In the car, Anukalp and Goldie enjoy time together listening to the cricket match. Anukalp and Goldie stop at a market. Mona meets Goldie there. Anukalp too finds Mona there. Anukalp gives Mona a sorry greeting card. Anukalp tells Mona that he has to go as he has come with his boss and leaves. Sweety tells Hetal that she cannot stand the perfume she has applied. Hetal tells her that she has taken her room and is trying to cause her more pain. Sweety tells Hetal that she should stop
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Pushkar notices Piya’s disappearance and follows her into the garden and she reads his face declaring that he still loves her! Pushkar gives Piya the good news he is ready to elope with her and discloses his plan and then embraces her. Yet, Piya suddenly breaks away as she is still confused in her thoughts and can’t make up her mind between Jai and Pushkar. Bani sees them clinging to each other and confronts Pushkar. Yet, he defends himself by saying he is only trying to protect his benefactor Jai from ruining the lives of three persons! Jai watches Piya with tears in her eyes and presumes she’s upset at the thought of leaving her sisters and hastens to clarify their lives will continue in the same manner after their marriage. He only wants to see her smiling always and leads her back to the dance floor watched by distressed Bani. Later that night, Piya calls Pushkar informing him that Bani and Rano are fast asleep and it’s the best time for them to elope! But Bani is awake and stands before their car as they are about to elope. Bani asks Pushkar if his conscience allows him to stab Jai in the back and then takes Piya to task by slapping her. She tells Piya, she wouldn’t ever allow her to disgrace her parents’ upbringing and the values passed on by them. Rano reveals that Bani is in debts on account of her wedding but she is still alternating between Pushkar and Jai!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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