Driving Sports Reports – Extra! Best and Worst from 09 LA Auto Show

We run down the five best and five worst cars from this year’s Los Angeles Auto Show. See the full article here: www.drivingsports.com

( www.TFLcar.com ) What are the most Fun To Drive cars of 2013? We at TFLcar are lucky enough to drive many of newest cars and models first. That’s why every year we compile and award our annual list of the Top Ten Most Fun To Drive Cars. These are vehicles that the team from The Fast Lane Car have already evaluated and consider to be special for those who enjoy driving. These vehicles (see video) are not specifically sports cars, nor do they have to be expensive or rare. To qualify, these vehicles must be available for purchase in North America, available for the staff of TFLCar to evaluate prior to the new year, and perhaps most importantly they must put a huge smile on your face when you get behind the wheel. That’s why we’re proud to announce in this video part 1 of the 4th annual annual TFLcar Ten Most Fun to Drive Car Awards.
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