Day Z – Car/Helicopter Tutorial [Question #2]

Hello people! Question #2 is brought to you by Pharozos and Legia1231. Their two combined questions ask me about how to get a car/jeep/bus/atv/motorcycle/helicopter up and running for use around Day Z. Be prepared because this is a longer video – it’s a mouthful and I hope you don’t fall asleep during it =p. Enjoy the half-ass tutorial. Ask more questions if you feel I didn’t cover the topic well enough or ask new questions in the comments below. “This video is created using games from Bohemia Interactive. See for more information.”
Video Rating: 4 / 5

How to install switches: ★YOU WILL NEED★ (Read more below) 1) LED strips – Search for “LED flexible strip” on eBay. (Click the link below to search on eBay) I recommend you to buy two LEDs from “one” seller, because color willl vary depending on each seller. (even they are same white) 2) Double sided tape – 6 to 8 mm water proof would be perfecct. 3) Current Tester (Car circuit tester) 4) Crocodile Clip – You don’t really need it, but it’s helpful to test LEDs. 5) Soldering iron and solder – You can get them from Radio Shack. 6) Electrical tape – any kind would be fine. 7) Wires – Any thin wires would work fine. Here are some hookup wires from RadioShak. ★Simple image if wiring★→ 2:21 ★Picture★: Taking power from the fuse. (If the link doesn’t work, right click on the link, click “save the target as”, save it on desktop, add “.jpg” at the end of the file name, double click to open!) -Steps- 1. Take the fuse you chose. 2. Wrap a thin wire around the metal part of fuse. 3. Put the fuse back.