David Icke and Vinnie Paz – END OF DAYS – *MUST WATCH*

Special credit to kimdaniel2 for originally making this video :) A sinister plan has unfolded recently, that involves spreading a man-made virus around the population…please view the following link for more information and feel more than free to share. www.naturalnews.com End of days…wake up people! The Governments of the world are not your friend & they never were… Do your own research & WAKE UP TO WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING!!! Research – FEMA Camps, Illuminati, David Icke, Alex Jones, 9/11 was an inside job, the gulf oil spill was an inside job, osama died in 2001…bohemian grove, project bluebeam, project paperclip, MK Ultra The truth is not easy to accept (from what you’ve been told) but, it doesn’t stop it being the truth If you liked this song, i can guarantee you’ll like this one K Rino – Grand Deception www.youtube.com
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