Green Guys, Were Did You Go?
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Grand Theft Auto 4 Walkthrough – Side Mission: Stevie’s Car Thefts – How to find the PMP600 Grand Theft Auto IV – Side Missions Playlist: Stevie needs 30 vehicles. He will start sending you text messages with the locations and the photos of the vehicles he needs after you acquire the Alderney Safehouse and after completing the missions “No. 1″ for Brucie and “Smackdown” for Derrick McReary. Location: The car is parked in an alley way near a perseus shop and a Bank of Liberty in The Exchange, Algonquin. Side Mission Objectives: Go to steal the car and bring it to Stevie’s garage in Bohan. Reward: 560 in perfect condition. Video recorded on PC with fraps, edited and rendered with Sony Vegas 10.