Avis to Buy Car-Sharing Service Zipcar

Avis to Buy Car-Sharing Service Zipcar
Avis's bid is a 49% premium to the car-sharing-network operator's Monday close on the Nasdaq Stock Market but a 32% discount to Zipcar's $ 18 IPO price. Zipcar went public in April 2011 and shot as high as $ 31.50 in its debut. But the shares have never …
Read more on Wall Street Journal

Buying Car Insurance: You Better Shop Around
With more and more car insurance providers offering online quotes and sign-ups, switching policies is now easier than making a three-point turn. According to a study by InsuranceQuotes.com – owned by Bankrate (RATE) – 21 percent of Americans shopped …
Read more on DailyFinance

Would you buy a new car over the Internet?
As far as the purchasing of car online is possible but at the moment it has not been introduced in our country or any other underdeveloped countries. Of course I am very interested and I like to buy a car of my choice through online, but I have to wait …
Read more on Deutsche Welle (press release)