WTF News – Chinese Cannibal (And the zombies Apocalypse spreads)

The woman, only identified as “Du,” was driving near a bus station in Wenzhou when a man ran into the street, blocking her car. The man, a bus driver identified as “Dong,” allegedly climbed onto the hood of Du’s car and began hitting the windshield. According to the Malaysia Chronicle, Du got out of the car, and allegedly Dong tackled her to the ground, where he began chewing on her face. Witnesses say they attempted to pull Dong off of her, but were unable to do so. Dong was ultimately stopped by police who contest that he had been drunk with an alcohol level off the charts. Doctors say Dong did enough damage to the woman’s face that she will need plastic surgery to repair her nose and lips. Read more:
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Bad News Breaker - Boyfriend Cheats on Girlfriend! bindass

Check out this episode of Bad News Breaker where we show you How to tell your Girlfriend that you have cheated on her! Its the toughest thing to do as the outcome of such a situation is never happy but we have made it easier for you so watch this episode and find out how can you confess about cheating without your girlfriend getting angry with you. SOLUTIONS:- 1. Make the biggest Villains your God. 2. Ask her for a solution 3. Take a plunge by telling her the truth bindass Launches Bad News Breaker, a comedy series that tells you how to break the most difficult news without getting your arm twisted or head broken. Introducing Kaivan Mehta and Nafisa Sharma of Chickipedia fame. So Every Tuesday watch out for this ultimate guide where no news in too big. “LIKE” and “SHARE” this video if you can relate to it!! CHECK OUT OUR NEW SHOWS – Mamman Bhai and How To Survive!! Subscribe to now for the latest updates on bindass Follow us on Other shows available on bindass:- 1. AXE Chickipedia: A dummies’ guide to understanding women and knowing how to deal with them when they put you in a spot. These hilarious webisodes will explore the stereotypes, revel in clichés and exploit the common notions about the fairer sex, all in good humor. 2. Beg Borrow Steal – a show where the contestant’s adventures of making through various destinations with little or no money. 3. Big Switch: is a television show based on slum kids hosted by Genelia D’Souza on UTV