- Startups – News Roundtable with Peter Pham and Marshall Kirkpatrick – TWiST #221

0:00-3:00 Welcome everyone to the first News Roundtable Panel of 2012. We’re here today with Peter Pham, now at the incubator Science. 3:00-4:00 Marshall Kirkpatrick, formerly of ReadWriteWeb, is also joining us today. Marshall, tell us a little bit about your new venture, Plexus Enginge. 4:00-6:30 Thank you to MailChimp for sponsoring the program. Everyone check them out at MailChimp.com and thank them @mailchimp! 6:30-8:00 Megan reads the first story: the incubator debate. Is there a glut of them today and do they offer any real value to startups? 8:00-11:15 Peter, are there too many or too few incubators? 11:15-13:15 Marshall: If there’s management and training being made available from a wide variety of sources, there’s value in that. 14:30-15:45 Next story: Scott Thompson accepted the position of Yahoo! CEO. Did anyone know him before this? Marshall, what do you know about him? 18:15-20:00 Next story: Google+ recently had its strongest month ever and now has approximately has 62M members. Will they surpass Facebook? 20:00-23:15 Marshall: I think there are signs that Google+ isn’t looking fantastic. 23:15-24:45 Jason: Google is desperate to be Microsoft and they’re looking more like them every day. 24:45-27:00 Insight from Tyler: It’s like trading with yen. 27:00-29:15 Welcome to our newest sponsor Sourcebits. Thank you for sponsoring the show! Everyone be sure to thank them @sourcebits. 29:15-30:45 Next story: Walmart Labs has acquired Small Society, a mobile agency
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