Lamborghini Aventador in GOLD! Exotic sport cars Ferrari,Audi. Florida 2012

I was making video on a beach and find out a car show cross the street,can’t pass it Video was made in JULY 21 2012 If you like my video please press LIKE and share it with your friends. Thank you for watching
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Another remarkable concept from Rinspeed that turns a sexy sports car into a sexy amphibious vehicle. You’ll love this video, it has everything, including mermaids! The Rinspeed “Splash” is the true incarnation of a really cool and fun sports toy. At the push of a button a cleverly thought-out hydraulic mechanism transforms the sports car into an amphibious vehicle. But that alone wasn’t enough for Frank M. Rinderknecht founder and boss of Rinspeed. A highly complex integrated hydrofoil system enables the “Splash” to ‘fly’ at an altitude of about 60 cm above the water.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Lamborghini Super Car Sunday – Cool Cars, Hot Cars, Fast Cars, Dream Cars Lambroghini The Lamborghini has dedicated followers that rival all its competitors, Ferrari, Porsche, and Aston Martin. Many consider Lamborghini the magnum opus of automotive engineering. In the 1960s there was plenty of room in the automotive market for exciting new automobiles and Feruccio filled those open spaces with refined grand touring vehicles that exemplified refinement, power, comfort and success. But the world was changing. Feruccio just didn’t see the 1970s coming. http Companies like Automobili Lamborghini, who manufactured goods from scratch – not to mention depending on oil to accomplish that very goal – couldn’t survive the worst stock market meltdown in modern history. Adding salt to an open wound, the Yom Kippur War leading up to the oil shock of 1973-74 was a combination punch in the gut, then to the chin of the automotive industry the world over. In 1974, Ferruccio sold the remaining stake of his company to René Leimer. The Silhouette was the first failure without Ferruccio’s direct input. Poor quality, reliability and ergonomics were a disappointment and the fact that it could only be imported to the US unofficially or unauthorized didn’t help sales for the Silhouette. Only 54 were produced. The company went bankruptcy in 1978. The Countach would become an automotive icon during the mid-seventies, but actual sales for Countach were also hampered by lack of direct participation in the American market. The Cheetah, a rear engine