- Startups – News Roundtable with Peter Pham and Marshall Kirkpatrick – TWiST #221

0:00-3:00 Welcome everyone to the first News Roundtable Panel of 2012. We’re here today with Peter Pham, now at the incubator Science. 3:00-4:00 Marshall Kirkpatrick, formerly of ReadWriteWeb, is also joining us today. Marshall, tell us a little bit about your new venture, Plexus Enginge. 4:00-6:30 Thank you to MailChimp for sponsoring the program. Everyone check them out at MailChimp.com and thank them @mailchimp! 6:30-8:00 Megan reads the first story: the incubator debate. Is there a glut of them today and do they offer any real value to startups? 8:00-11:15 Peter, are there too many or too few incubators? 11:15-13:15 Marshall: If there’s management and training being made available from a wide variety of sources, there’s value in that. 14:30-15:45 Next story: Scott Thompson accepted the position of Yahoo! CEO. Did anyone know him before this? Marshall, what do you know about him? 18:15-20:00 Next story: Google+ recently had its strongest month ever and now has approximately has 62M members. Will they surpass Facebook? 20:00-23:15 Marshall: I think there are signs that Google+ isn’t looking fantastic. 23:15-24:45 Jason: Google is desperate to be Microsoft and they’re looking more like them every day. 24:45-27:00 Insight from Tyler: It’s like trading with yen. 27:00-29:15 Welcome to our newest sponsor Sourcebits. Thank you for sponsoring the show! Everyone be sure to thank them @sourcebits. 29:15-30:45 Next story: Walmart Labs has acquired Small Society, a mobile agency
Video Rating: 4 / 5

13 thoughts on “- Startups – News Roundtable with Peter Pham and Marshall Kirkpatrick – TWiST #221

  1. I love that Jason mentions the Outbacks of Montana. My family was visiting us a month ago. They are literally from the outback of MT. They don’t go to town at all anymore. I am not sure what it means for the town but services like Prime and Walmart Online are transforming rural life maybe even more than urban.

  2. Kanye is not a genius. He makes good beats and Nike and LV only gave him his own shoes because he is popular… its called endorsement.

  3. OMG….i’m coming to several breaking point when watching the video, the host has to know when to just SHUT the F*CK UP and let others talk…..if he already has a shrink, I suggest that he gets a new one…..

    Great show though:)

  4. Amazon is great in the US but their offering could be better in central Europe.

  5. Does anyone know what the hip hop song intro at the start of this video is? I havent managed to watch it yet for trying to figure that out!

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