GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony – Triathlon – Charge Island (Dukes)

Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony Triathlon Walkthrough Video in High Definition Triathlon N. 02 Location: Charge Island (Dukes) For more, visit: ● ● http
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony – Triathlon – Charge Island (Dukes)

  1. I prefer the simplicty of “Beat The Cock”, also the payout was much better.

  2. why dont you guys pick a different boat you always pick jetmax pick the small one or the long one!

  3. No the bullet looks like a ford gt and that one doesn’t. and there is a code for the bullet gt

  4. Does any one have the gta 4 dlc lost and dammed if you do let me know and I will game share the first strike dlc with you for ps3

  5. lol xbox couldn’t load the map at 1st.=, that’s sad my entertainment comp can run gta better than xbox.

  6. Well you can race on multiplayer you get nitro o Ballad Of Gay Tony.

  7. hello, maybe you can solve me a question please is that I have thought about buying gta liberty city, just without the gta iv so, and what I wanted to know if you can play multiplayer gta liberty city? appreciate your response.
    certainly a good video.

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