RechargeIT: Plug-in Hybrids

Featuring Jim Woolsey, Chelsea Sexton, Larry Brilliant and others, this video describes plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, vehicle to grid (V2G) as part of’s RechargeIT project.
Video Rating: 4 / 5 The 2012 Honda CR-Z hybrid was created with the hopes of recreating the small, fun, and fuel efficient CR-X from 20 years ago. Well that passion has been revived with the CR-Z. Honda designers have created the sportiest looking hybrid on the market. Everything from the bumper to the headlights to the rims screams look at me. And the overall wedge shape makes for one low drag coefficient. Even though the CR-Z looks sporty, it tows the line between sporty and fuel efficient. Underneath the hood is a 1.5 liter 4-cylinder engine with an IMA electric motor that helps boost power to 122 horsepower and 128 lb-ft of torque. Fuel economy is great at 35 MPG in the city and 39 MPG on the highway. The 2012 Honda CR-Z has a base price of under 000. And with that you get all kinds of cool hybrid technology from Honda. See More Car Videos Join Our Facebook Page
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 thoughts on “ RechargeIT: Plug-in Hybrids

  1. Can someone at or rechargeit contact me? I have an opportunity to buy one of these exact cars that you offloaded a while ago and would like some more information on it. I wouldn’t mind doing some research on this and possibly owning one. What a great vehicle to have! Please contact me and send me a message. Thanks Google.

  2. How to get over 2500 views per night while you are asleep. Its so easy when you do exactly as I say in this video: /watch?v=uqwhomCAO6o

  3. Where can you buy a plug-in hybrid? You still can’t buy them, but you can covert an existing hybrid vehicle such as a Toyota Prius 2004-2009 with a kit such as an A123 Hymotion L5 conversion kit. There are dealers across the country that will do the conversion.

  4. I like this idea but it only appeals to people like in the video and myself whom are conscious about sustainability. They need to make a car that looks normal if they want everybody buying these. When I see a Prius I cringe and all of a sudden don’t are about saving gas money or the environment. Chevy Volt is a step in the right direction but we will see when it actually comes out.

  5. Do you people just judge without watching the rest of the video? I am curious how much you guys actually watched? They could charge at night, but at the end of the video they are also solar charged(check at 4:55 – through the end of the vid) & Another thing, It is a hybrid it still has gas! All your negative comments of worrying about how you would do such and such and OMG what if I live 10 stories up… This is why our country or world will never change.. We should end petroleum dependency !!!

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    Your Video was compled nice!

  7. How do you safely plug the car to an electric outlet in the pouring rain? How do you prevent a teenager unplugging your car during the night as a prank? Hybrid cars that have a built in recharging mechanism have more of a future I think. If you’re staying in a hotel and your room is on the 10th floor how are you going to run an extension cord from your room to your car?

  8. Not a big deal. In colder weather, we all have block-heaters which need to be plugged-in during the night

  9. Plugin EV is the real deal ! Look at Toyota RAV EV from 2002 they are runing over 120000 miles and the NiMh battery still get 100 miles per charge ! SO BY PEV ! EV IS THE FUTURE !

  10. Those people can buy a standard hybrid like the Ford Fusion or the Toyota Prius.

  11. I hope for your sake that English is a second language.
    Define a zero emission car. The bonuses that are paid out by GM, Ford, Chrysler, etc are tiny compared to the compensation paid out by Google, Microsoft, or most of the Computer Software companies. The Executative Compensation at GM and Ford comes to less than $35 per car. Look it up. That’s trival. So you have to HW assignments: 1) Define a Zero Emissions Car 2)Research Executative Compensation 3)Learn some English if you have time.

  12. Plug in hybrids are not practical for the millions who live in condos who don’t have garages or live where they park on the street. Running a hundreds of feet long extension cord from you condo all the way to you car on the street is not practical. I predict there will be an increase in people being electrocuted trying to plug in their hybrid car in the pouring rain.

  13. Well, I know about those limitations, and I was only refering to the safety aspect. The norwegian Think vehicle (Alas! also only a two-seater!) passed those safety test in 1999, but sadly due to economical havoc only went into production this summer!
    Only the price was new for me! 80 grand !! wow! But GM did not sell this car did they? I mean even if someone would have given GM 80 000 dollar at that time. Hva a nice day!

  14. You are the one under the influence of something, glue or otherwise. The ICE has made modern life possible as we know it. If it’s so prehistoric then tell me why some genius hasn’t come up with something better. Yes we all know about electric motors being more efficient than the ICE. No one has ever figured out how to get the electricity to the motors. 100 years old street cars in my hometown used electric with a connected electrical grid alongside. This isn’t practical for a car. Get educated.

  15. Boy these guys at Google are arrogant. They also must not read very much. Have any of these guys ever read about the Chevy Volt or the 3 Plug in hybrids Chryler has planned. Google IS a sucessful company but eventually someone else will have a comprobable search engine and their day and the sun will be over. Google types are the people who will spend $20,000 to save $5,000 in gasoline. Never, never, I repeat never trust Software Geeks to solve our energy problems. These guys are fools.

  16. The battery technology wasn’t there in the mid 1990′s. It ccost GM $80,000/car. Gas was relatively cheap at this time and only a very small number of niche types wanted an electric, 2 seater with all the limitations and were willing to pony up $80,000. Would you have paid that for a 2 seat electric car? I’ll bet you wouldn’t. None of the other car companies went down this path because they saw the same technical problems as well. Why didn’t Honda build this car? You need to get educated.

  17. Ok! But why didn’t GM make a better car? So it could at least pass the safety test I mean..

  18. I think you been sniffing glue…. inefficient alternator? Yeah lets stick with the prehistoric combustion engine instead of electricity. Please Realitycheck1970, give up with the snake oil sales.

  19. You don’t know what you are talking about about. The EV1 as an all electric was not a viable vehicle. It was only a 2 seater. It could not operate in very hot or very cold enviroments. I know this because one of my friends had a EV1 in SoCal back in the 1990′s. It had very limited range and if you ever needed to run the heater or air you would be in trouble. Also the most important reason GM would not produce the car was that the US Government would not let it. It wouldn’t pass the crash tests.

  20. My question on Vehicle to Grid is if your car is providing power back to the grid then what do you do when you need to drive it and the battery is dead.

  21. HAHAHA what a load of crap. Prius plug-in all the way: youtube /watch?v=X4GCxTd3wB0

  22. 31/37 is not a good estimate either btw. I drive a stick shift version and get about 40 mpg when it’s hot (95+ F) in the sumertime and 41-42 mpg during cooler months. I let it idle when the motor is cold for one or two minutes, I punch it from stops all the time, don’t always utilize the idle stop feature and I’m still getting 40-42 mpg. If I were to really try I bet I could maintain 45+ mpg. Oh, and on a 6 hour highway speed trip I got 43 mpg @ 70-75mph most of the trip.

  23. Yeah, with 2 seats and shitty, fuel economy, dissapointment. Sad it is the only car to have manual transmission.

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  25. Looks cool but the stats are crap. Some BMW diesel use 50% less fuel and have 70% more power. Many other even cheap petrol/diesel use less fuel at similar power can’t see the point in going hybrid like this.

  26. I’ve had this car for 6 months now and I love it! I get 36 MPG city and 42 MPG highway if I drive in the ECO mode. It’s not a car for everyone, that’s why you won’t see them all over town, but it gives me the best of both worlds; economy & sport when I want it.

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  28. Love the looks, but no rear seats? and gas mileage below 38? HONDA wakeup, you are loosing your touch to other car manufacturers.

  29. And I am a believer in buying American cars. I have yet to find a 2 door American car, that gets really good gas mileage, is attractive, and affordable. Can you name one? The Chryslers dont get enough mileage (newer 100 and 200 probably will), the fords and chevys are all 4 doors and not so much attractive in my opinion. Name one?

  30. The Automatic is rated 35 – 39 better than the Ford automatic. Its a hybrid with good mpg WITH the auto. It is not a sports car at all. Its a small 2 seat sporty hybrid. Granted the car is odd, just like my new beetle convertible. I may go for a test drive and see if I can find a nice one to trade down into. Lower maintenance costs, better reliability, way better fuel economy. My car is rated at 20,28, this at 35, 39.

  31. If anybody’s curious, for 2014 the Hybrid CRZ should get an “Earth Dreams” engine, which part-time acts as an Atkinson cycle engine like the Prius + Direct Injection, and traditional OTTO cycle when you want power. So a good boost in MPG.
    The 2013+ CRZ models will get a “Sport+” mode, where the electric motor can be overdriven for a brief period of time.

  32. I test-drove one of these last night. WTF were they thinking by leaving the center armrests off of the two front seats? A raised center stowage unit would have been a good enough alternative – but even this did not exist here…
    Honda just lost a sale due to this egregious design oversight.

  33. I really like the looks of this car except for the square end… but I have to say that this car is a failure. It just doesn’t know what it is… Identity crisis.

  34. There is a fastidious road test of the ’12 CR-Z here:

    definitiveautoreview . com/road-tests/honda/12-honda-cr-z/

  35. i think Honda is trying to do too much with this car.

    31mpg is really lame, as the Fiesta or Fit can do that and not at the expence of a usable rear seat.

    Its a hybrid, but MPG is really bas compared to Prius or even Honda Insight, its a “sports car” with 130 horses!!!!!

    what a JOKE!!

  36. Agree with this. It’s basically a very slow, very impractical 2 seat coupe that tries to channel the spirit of the crx without knowing what that spirit is. I could see this for big city commuters that don’t want a tall sitting box but that’s about it. If you don’t have a lot of start/stop driving or your car sees regular highway use you’d be better served with a mazda3 sky active which has a back seat, a trunk (or hatch) and is funnier to drive without as much gee-whiz tech to fail on you.

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