Car Crash Compilation # 27

Russian Car Crash Compilation. Be careful on the road. Watch Dash Cam Videos
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24 thoughts on “Car Crash Compilation # 27

  1. Hey russians do you know difference between red and green light on traffic lights, because I can see that red is better than green to pass the lights

  2. Russian Driver Genius really.
    If I live in Russia, I’d rather buy a tank>>>
    T 90 , T 95 Black Eagle

  3. Lol, those are just video registrators. And if cars in america had these cams, there would be the same thing! These accidents happen of: Bad road, Old cars, And Freeze. It’s -35 in moscow!

  4. Добрый вечер, Россия. И добро пожаловать в “Burnout: Takedown LIVE”! Translated: Good evening, Russia. And welcome to “Burnout: Takedown LIVE”!

  5. Some of the drivers have really bad driving habits.This is the main reason caused the accident.

  6. No, dashcams are required for driving in russia which is why so many accidents are shown. If there were dashcams on every car in america or somebody else then there would be just as much as these videos.

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