DIY Car Security Killswitch

In this episode the team from Mighty Car Mods show some basic car security ideas. The last thing you want is a thief driving off with your mighty ride, we show you a simple, and inexpensive way to help stop that happening… Get MAD MCM Stuff at the Official Shop: Discuss this Episode on the MCM Forums: Like us on Facebook This video is intended as Entertainment only.

25 thoughts on “DIY Car Security Killswitch

  1. The sad part is that the stereotype is true. In the United States, a majority of people do NOT know how to drive a stick shift. Most of the cars I see are automatic. I am appalled.

  2. I agree it is crazy the amount of people who can not drive a stick shift. My first car was an 83 Subaru Justy w/4 Speed Manual. My first automatic car was not until 2005.

  3. I put a kill switch in my car today, when its off the car still cranks with this be a problem or example flooding the engine if someone tried starting it ?
    should i put the switch on the constant 12v wire like they did on here ?
    wouldnt it be easy for someone to just get a wire and attach it to another constant power (cig lighter) and attach it infront of the switch i would put in ???

  4. Not even close to the majority.

    In fact, most new vehicles you can buy in the states no longer even offer manual as an option.

  5. I thought it was only a joke/stereotype thing. Don’t majority of people know how to use a manual in the states?

  6. Best security: Since the interior fuse box is easily accessible from the driver’s seat, take a crucial fuse out with you when you leave your car (example: ignition coil fuse). Have a small fuse removing tool right next to your ignition key on your keychain. That way, even if you supply the thief with the car’s actual key, they STILL can’t move the car. So easy and simple, yet so effective. :) Takes less than 10 seconds to reinstall the fuse once you’re back in the car. JUST DON’T LOSE THE FUSE!!

  7. And what about when your out in public? Are you going to carry a steering wheel around the mall with you?

  8. Can’t get enough of your mods Marty and Moog. The way you guys walk through each step makes even the most tedious of installs super easy. Thanks for integrating “mad” into my every day vocabulary and adding exta kilowatts to my ride. Merry Xmas and a good New Years all the way from Alberta, Canada. -CHEERS

  9. yep KMX is right, average idiot is raised on auto, they so much as try to steal my car they will either A: back it into the neighbors garage, B: can’t start it, C: succeed but only get to the first speed bump in the parking lot before stalling it. Though i have a fuel shut off and battery shutoff hidden in my car, can never be too careful.

  10. I have a 5spd I leave running when its freezing out, no one has ever touched it. LOL.

  11. I kill switched the fuel pump. Most thieves are not going to spend to much time trouble shooting why they can’t jump your car

  12. I kill switch the fuel pump. Most thieves are not going to spend to much time trouble shooting why your car won’t start.

  13. That was the same security I had while I was driving my ’71 Camaro around for awhile. My buddy’s never understood why I kept popping the hood when we went to the mall or the movies hahaha

  14. You guys forgot to jack up the car and put some axle stands….YOU FORGOT THE STANDS!

  15. In the old days of distributor caps. I just took the high tension lead with me. So unless the crook brought one with them, car ain’t going no where.

    One night I caught a 14 year old kid in the driver’s seat of my car trying to start it with a screw driver after he’d pulled out the ignition lock with a dent puller. Car sounded like it was about to kick over but with no HT lead, he was mine. I grabbed him, showed him the HT lead. I then introduced him to some friends who taught him a lesson.

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