2012 Electric Car News Summary Highlights

www.ElectricCarConversionBlog.com presents 2012 Electric Car News Summary Highlights. Edited transcript available at http

Imagine a world without oil. Shai Agassi and his company are making it a reality. *Subscribe: bit.ly
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “2012 Electric Car News Summary Highlights

  1. we have to adopt this tech because in 30-40 years from now there will be no oil left

  2. Most likely, when the batteries are mass-produced, their cost would lower.. So if that’s the problem, its only a temporary one. And I also love better place. My hope is that they will resolve all issues. Maybe they should start in china? There they could get batteries for cheap.

  3. Yeah, well, the situation is starting to be better. There still aren’t a lot of them running around, but I do get a glimpse of one from time to time. However man, this is slow!! I thought Renault is about to flood us with cheap electric vehicles. Instead its like 100-200 cars a month. Guess the batteries are really expensive. This might be the reason for the set back.

  4. if what ur saying is true yeah must be some sort of stalling or something wrong with the cars, but took Tesla a good time before they got their cars out. love better place

  5. Your stupidity is really infinite that you regurgitate as almighty truth the lie in your little warped mind that Peta’s purpose is to kill all the cats and dogs.

    Humans evolved to kill each other, too. And to seek freedom. Yet hypocritically I don’t hear you defending prisoners’ rights and freedoms.

  6. Stupidity is really infinite I’ve sent you the direkt link to the Peta homepage not any third party blog or anything else no THEIR OFFICIAL HOMEPAGE stating their philosphy, but you ignore it.
    What cats and what army? What the frack are you talking about? (source?!)
    Eating meat is what made mankind evolve, you’re the empirical evideidence that herbivoreism can lead to asininity. Sadly you’re not the dumbest Youtuber I’ve encountered sofar but you’re chances are high to make in the top 5 gz.

  7. The torture you force upon animals simply because you are simply too evil to go vegan
    is infinitely worse than any bad philosophy of Ingrid Newkirk. You can make up false exaggerations and bullshit claims all you want about Peta, but the faults of Peta and their founders (and there are) are NOTHING compared to the torture the army does to cats alone, let alone the fur and meat industries do.

    Time for you to look at BOTH sides of an issue before judging.
    Go to the Peta website first.

  8. You are Aware that Ingrid Newkirks (the founder of Peta) goal is to kill all domesticated animals, cats,dogs etc Petas position on pets and companion animals is them beeing traped and killed it’s even written on their official website.

    peta . org/issues/companion-animals/feral-cats-trapping-is-the-kindest-solution . aspx

    If you’re pro killing animals good for you. I for my part actually like animals and don’t accept kills if it doesn’t serve self preservation e.g beeing attaked or food.

  9. First, you’re a brainless shithead, because Peta is not a criminal organization.
    You’re thinking of religion (all christian and muslim churches) and Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Koch Brothers, the Heartland Institute. Peta has the absolute right to exist and to promote its political POV and to gather funds, whether you – or even I on rare occasions – disagree with them or not.

    Second: so what more cost efficient alternatives?

  10. First of all you’re an obvious troll and replied to a 4 month old comment.
    Second this is a video about electric cars and not about the criminal organisation Peta that aims for the death of all pets and drains donations from actuall animal rights organisations like the WWF.

    That said.

    Back to the car topic. There are electric vehicles out there like the Leaf but at the moment it’s only a niche not saying it can’t be the near future, but for now there are more cost efficient alternatives.

  11. I chose Peta precisely to test your logical consistency, and you failed.
    You defend gas-powered car companies for having a single fanatical cause (maximize their profits) no matter how many far more important causes there are (stopping AGW)

    Yet, when it comes to Peta – whose single cause is to always side with the animal (even if sometimes their cause is wrong) – you pussy out.

    Yes, I damned well support heroic patriotic groups like Peta. The military should arm them with guns and bombers.

  12. How did you come up with Peta? Peta is one of the nastyest idoiological organisations around, you are aware that Ingrid Newkirk’s (founder of Peta) goal is to stop all kinds of usage and domestications of animals e.g dogs or house cats, and what does she want to do with domesticated animals? free them? no kill them all.. I’m sure many of members of peta don’t know the ideology behind that organisation.


    replace [dot] with a “.”

  13. Sorry that another RonPoop retard (gayutubefuckyou) reared its ugly head.
    (I prefer to respond to intelligent people – you – rather than these RonPooptards.)

  14. And Peta’s goal is to stand up for animal rights, even when I disagree with them
    (99.9% of the time I agree with them). But, I don’t hear you defending them or climate scientists’ and THEIR stated goals.

    Too bad if that’s the car company’s only goal. If it hurts others, then the company should disband.

  15. Yes! In addition to this guy’s innovation, laws MUST be in place to punish fossil fuel burners.
    Send coal company executives to prison. You’ll soon see them switching like crazy to solar and wind farms to generate electricity.
    Denmark has the right idea: taxing the hell out of gas cars, $8/gallon gas. Man, will that ever change consumers’ decisions towards all-electric cars!

  16. the Israelies need all the petrol they can save in order to eradicate those Arabs.
    Zeig Heil Israel , a pure fascist country.

  17. dude every companys main goal is to make money, car makers build the cars the costumer wants

  18. FCV (hydrogen fuel cells) technology would be more economically efficient. Otherwise where will we get so much lithium to equip all the vehicles (including trucks, buses etc) around the world?

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