The Cars – Drive 1984 Video stereo widescreen

“Drive” is a song and single from the 1984 album, “Heartbeat City”, by The Cars. The album was released on Elektra Records and was produced by The Cars and Robert John “Mutt” Lange. The album peaked at #3 on the Billboard 200 album chart and #24 on the UK Album Chart. The album is RIAA 4x platinum certified and produced 5 Billboard Hot 100 charting singles, including #3 “Drive” and #7 “You Might Think”. “Drive” was written by Ric Ocasek. The single was produced by Robert John “Mutt” Lange and the Cars and was released on Elektra Records. Lead vocal on the track is by band bassist Benjamin Orr (1947 – 2000). The single peaked at #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #5 on the UK Singles Chart. It remains the band’s highest charting single. The music video for “Drive” was directed by actor Timothy Hutton and features Ocasek’s wife Paulina Porizkova. Lyrics Link:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

This car is a one of a kind combination of a 1969 Mach1 and a 2004 has been in several magazines now see it here on ScottieDTV!!!!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 thoughts on “The Cars – Drive 1984 Video stereo widescreen

  1. choose between the family car a pt crouser of chrysteler ore a volvo v50 station the for a familie give me a black volvo

  2. i don’t drive english perhas france for libertee not italian not swedish perhaps german for count

  3. This song is my favorite love song from the 80′s. It is a song that is eternal in being a totally dope 80′s timeless masterpiece. Often I envision being at a carnival and meeting a woman with this song playing somewhere in the background. I always am thankful that I grew up in the 80′s at least as a child. I recall when I used to be in the stereo sections of stores they seemingly would often use this song to sample the stereo even into the 90′s! I blast this on my Kenwood – never gets old.

  4. esta cancion me transporta a mi niñez sonaba mucho, la ultima vez que la oi fue en un episodio de nick tup y me fascino mucho oirla despues de tanto tiempo

  5. beautiful, sexy, powerful video and my1 of my favorites
    I am starting to get pissed with these squigly little letters I just missed the whole god damn video

  6. Love it / who cares what the others say. Some like the synth, the ones whom do not so what. when it comes to music it is like ass holes and elbows, some are useful for some things some are not, every one has both and some are confused about what is useful when. But you never see an elbow with shit on it. Lol

  7. i know he didt mean to but he said he bought a 1904 mustang……lol didt no thaty made them in 1904

  8. 7 minute video with 4 minutes spent with a close up of the owner. Would have preferred if there was more video on the car because the workmanship is outstanding. 

  9. i am from ksa i love stang wish i have

    mach1 just wow
    nice car dud

    good vid

    i like it 

  10. Are the Quarter Trim panels 2004 as well? This is very interesting
    I have an S-Code 69 Mach 1 that I just ordered a dash for. I want the 69 look but those seats look really good inside!

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