25 thoughts on “03 Mercury Marauder TITAN AUTO SALES

  1. End throwing away your hard earned money on excessive insurance charges! Learn how to save a lot of dough every month, utilizing this one simple technique! Our free web page shows you how…

  2. jus curious….but what did this sell for? because this mafuckas bad as hell

  3. I wouldn’t buy it unless they had the stock rims to put back on. I want the original floor mats 2. It’s a sin to change the rims. Especial y on a BLue. But remember ” the black ones are faster “

  4. This is a nice Marauder, and I do like the color, but I agree the wheels do ruin this car, because the Marauder is the performance version, and I think that it would be better with the factory wheels, but it is a nice car though. :)

  5. where can I get the mercury gods head rear floor mats ,can’t find them anywhere after watching this video please contact me back

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