This week’s Ignite Show features Rob Gruhl. Rob loves to buy cars, but more than that he loves to bargain for cars. He shares his secrets today. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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25 thoughts on “HOW TO BUY A NEW CAR WITHOUT GETTING SCREWED by Rob Gruhl, Ep 3

  1. Want the best roadside coverage for $19.95/month with $150,000 in benefits and protection and get $80 per referral? go to my channel.

  2. I know what GAP insurance is, I’m not retarded. But it’s still a scam like most other addons during the new car purchase. People should not put themselves in a position to even need GAP insurance, i.e. save up more of a down payment/don’t trade in something you’re still upside down in.

  3. When you trade a car that you owe more than what it’s worth (which is in most cases) and you borrow from the bank 120% of the value of the new car you are in an instant out of equity situation. IF you get into a car accident and total that car YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY will not more than RETAIL VALUE FOR THAT CAR in which case you are SCREWED! GAP is just that, it covers the ‘gap’ between the value of what your insurance company pays and the balance! Don’t believe me – ask your insurance company

  4. I love new cars. Just bought my first BMW and I’m already looking for my next new car.

  5. You don’t think credit unions hold rates on their customers, or insurance agents make money on their policy for you’re new car? Try working over you’re insurance agent for a better policy and do your home work before you walk into a dealership or you will be taken for a ride by a senior sales associate.

  6. Lawyer. You don’t ever charge someone more than another for your service? Is your time worth money? Enough said. For as many bad credit customers there are we need to make money when we can. “oh i feel bad about making money on you Mr. customer,i will just make add little as possible and not pay my bills”. Now how foolish does that sound? I am successful because i bend over backwards for my customers. I believe in great customer service.

  7. I don’t have a job in sales, but I am a lawyer and I know the difference between good client service and bad. And I did work in sales. Nothing wrong with maximizing profit but I never approved of screwing people and I don’t resent my clients.

  8. Sorry but that is the way the world goes round. It is just business. That is the raw truth. You must not have a job in sales,if you did you would understand where i am coming from. I hope I run into you on the lot ! LOL!

  9. When you talk in all-caps IT GIVES THE IMPRESSION THAT YOU ARE YELLING!!!!!

  10. Not stupid at all. Anyone who doesn’t line up financing BEFORE they go to a dealership is setting themself up to be screwed by the dealership. Dealerships will try to screw you on financing if theyre able to. Also GAP insurance is a scam just like scotchguarding, undercoating spray, extended warranties and any other stupid shit dealerships try to tack on. You may sell cars for a living which means you’re paid to lie to people to separate them from as much money as possible.

  11. Kindof stupid. Financing is BETTER at a Dealership, when you go to one with a good reputation. What bank offers you 0.9 Percent Financing? NONE you are one person trying to ask for a loan every 5 years!!!!!!!! Dealers do it everyday. Just Research the best financing and use it at the end of negotiation. And also The “back room” offers great things Like GAP insurance and also extended warranties which can help you along the line. they are negotiable and will help u. I sell cars for a living.

  12. Прочитал на сайте (проблемы компьютера ) положительные отзывы о вашем ресурсе. Даже не поверил, а теперь убедился лично. Оказывается, меня не обманули.

  13. For kevzen2000, except when buying a new car, you can’t tell them you have cash, or you don’t get as good of a deal, because they know they can screw you more if you finance through them.

  14. People will say it’s my own fault for getting screwed on buying a new car; however, would it be all my fault for having my home broken into because I didn’t lock the doors? Not entirely, it is still the A-hole criminal who broke in I didn’t do enough research before I bought a new car, but it is still not all on me. It is unfortunate that dealers are out to screw everyone and take them for every cent they can. Why should the price of a car change based on how good of a negotiator you are?

  15. 1 year old cars are the worst to buy! First off they are not broken in properly. Second if they are sold by a dealorship they charge you more than what it cost them to recondition the car and to do services on it. A 1 year old car with 10,000 miles on it will cost about the same or sometimes more than a brand new car that you were able to get 10 to 15% off MSRP.

  16. When buying a new car, never deal with a salesman. Deal with Fleet or internet manager and negotiate below the invoice price. Salesmen are people you pay to show you all the features on the car and persuade you on how thier car is better than competitor cars. You are just paying them for thier time and expertise. If you know more about the car you want to buy than they do, you don’t need a sales person.

  17. Why buy a new car, if you want a car that is newish, wait about a year, or until it is driven about 10-15k miles, then pick it up, and the cost will be reduced, and it will be about as good, as a new car. Second, save up the cash, and buy a car, instead of financing one.

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