Battlefield 3 News – Armored Kill Vehicles Information [Guide/ Analysis]

Hey there guys I DICE has revealed the FAQ sheet in which we have all the vehicles named and I have review and debriefed every single of them! Please Thumbs Up the Video & Subscribe for more Battlefield 3 Videos! Music in the outro is from: Name of the song is: The Epic Journey Begins Vehicles added in Armored Kill DLC: – HIMARS H142 (US Artillery Vehicle) – BM-23 (Russian Artillery Vehicle) – M1128(US Tank Destroyer) – 2S25 Sprut-SD (Russian Tank Destroyer) – ATV (Transport Vehicle) – AC130 (Gunship) Battlefield 3: Armored Kill FAQ What is Battlefield 3: Armored Kill? Armored Kill is the third themed expansion pack for Battlefield 3, upping the ante with a slew of new options for vehicular mayhem, featuring new drivable tanks, ATVs, mobile artillery, and more. Armored Kill is also the proud home of the “biggest map in Battlefieldhistory,” as well as the exciting new game mode, Tank Superiority. What is Tank Superiority? Tank Superiority will find two tank platoons up against each other as they fight tooth-and-nail for control of the single flag on the map. Expect massive tank battles and test your skills in the biggest land battle ever seen in Battlefield 3. When is Battlefield 3: Armored Kill available? Battlefield 3 players will have to wait until September 2012 to get in on the vehicular action. Stay tuned for specific release dates. [Update: we now know Battlefield 3: Armored Kill will release September 4 for Premium members on the PS3 – one week
Video Rating: 4 / 5

“The Trunk” shows our protagonists looking into the boot of a car… What’s inside it? LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE and have a good Sunday folks! for graphics, for me, and for Music
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 thoughts on “Battlefield 3 News – Armored Kill Vehicles Information [Guide/ Analysis]

  1. @TheAZchambers the gun can take most soviet era tanks, armor is a different story…then again thats not the point.

  2. Great Job on the video. tanks for sending me here. got me hoppin on the game now!

  3. Great Video. But I’m confused about the BM-23. I looked all over the internet for it but it gave me no evidenece that it is a military vehicle, closest thing a found to the BM-23 is the BM-21, which was the picture in this video at 2:08

  4. You know, just a tip… if you are giving real life information on the vehicles don’t use KM in one section and miles in the other. I.E. when you were explaining the HIMARS H142 it said Road speed: 85km/h and then when it was showing the effective range 20-40 Miles with this ammunition and 100 Miles with this ammunition. If you’re going to talk about specifications like that explain in either ONLY miles or ONLY kilometers.

  5. My significant other sold my Copy of Battlefield 3 by mistake. I would buy it again but im waiting for Medal of Honor 2.

  6. Great video thanks for the real life info on the vehicles. Very interesting..

  7. Well if you think about it ..a rocket propelled missile – it can probably go pretty far…but if they increased the range yes it could help a team but it could also push you farther back into your spawn when the enemy is aiming it at you

  8. And it was the best damned service rifle we have ever used. Why don’t we use that awesome 30.06 anymore? i get hard just thinking about that gun. jk jk. epic piece of weaponry hands down.

  9. W-w-w-w-wait, The mobile artilleries can fire 20+ miles? Bandar desert isn’t 20 miles large. I know DICE made it shorter to influence playing the objective, but REALLY? it could seriously help a struggling team, that has little to no objectives…

  10. It could be a someone they kidnapped and plan on extorting for some kind of information…something tells me there is gonna be a lot of robbing in this game that will at some point lead up to something even bigger.

  11. maybe the 3 of them were in the car like michaeland franklin in the cockpit and trevor in the boot and that he is just closing the trunk just sayin

  12. Im not sure its a guy in there im thinking its explosives for a job there going to do

  13. i just love how u go indepth! i look at it and im like: “michael, franklin and trevor and a trunk” *next*, but u however, u go indepth and speculate… i love it!’

  14. “as far back as i can remember i always wanted to be a gangster”

  15. 1:41 its gotta be outta town, loool look in the bottom left corner, i think that they are houses

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