Guru Josh Project – Infinity (Ultra Music)

This song is taking the world by storm. If you haven’t heard it yet check it out! And if you have heard it then I know you want to listen to it again.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Google Tech Talks July 18, 2006 ABSTRACT Before there was the Wrightspeed X-1, there was the Tesla prototype. Before the Tesla, there was the Tango – the first 0-60 in 4 seconds electric sports car that you can actually buy. Credits: Speaker:Rick Woodbury

50 thoughts on “Guru Josh Project – Infinity (Ultra Music)

  1. I wonder how much they paid that girl just to walk around and on a sofa???!! One boring video but great tune :)

  2. Much better than that shit gangman style, this song already tired, but this is electronic music and dance, not the one that viral spread worldwide!
    I Love E-Music!

  3. Nice !! Check also the new by Naxos, The Voyage, it’s so greeeeaaat !!!!!
    Daniele Naxos – The Voyage

  4. Песня офигительна, тёлочка вообще айс! !!!

  5. “if you haven’t heard it yet” well anyone who hasn’t must live in a garbage container

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  7. We should adopt these downsized efficient little electric vehicles! Along with reducing (Human) overpopulation by 1 % a year, and soon we can say goodby to all our worst modern human suffering(s) in America (such as bad traffic and smog) caused by industry and sprawl to improve steadily, inexpensively with modest annual 1% worldwide population reduction over 10 years. Get efficent, get Birth Control!

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  9. valid points but he trying some new, I can honestly say If it were in my price range it would be perfect for me in NYC we park on the street I know it would so easy in this car. People pay 300-400 a month for parking garages, its not just the gas. Still I think he should have done proof of concept with a gas engine first. I know if he can get the price right down it will own the city streets in no time.

  10. my uncle is friends with the guy who owns the company hes actually helping them build one.

  11. i disagree the EV-1 was a little more expensive but people loved them to the point of getting arrested for it. if it gets mass produced and people really like them it will drive the price down and gain popularity =D

  12. Zero Point Energy for the home to charge EV’s are the missing link! Apparently a commercially viable one is already in progress in Australia for USD5,000!!! No more electricity bills and gas expenses… FOREVER!!!

  13. Three things:

    1) This is an interesting vehicle. I like the fully enclosed body (nice styling) and the performance.
    2) This is NOT a ZERO emissions vehicle. Any generation of electricity causes some emissions. I’m not being negative – just reasonable and obvious.
    3) We will not see volumes of these in our lifetimes. too many full sized vehicles out there already. People won’t buy these for 40K or even 30K when they can buy a used Porsche or Corvette for 10 grand and still get 20 MPG or better.

  14. Ahh it costs too much right now!
    Maybe 4th generation with AC motors and regen braking, lithium ion/polymer batteries.. now that would be an excellent one to have!

  15. And your considered professional opinion is? Your comment is nothing more that dribble. Atleast Rick had taken his idea to a viable, working model.

    You have done what? Posted a lame comment. Nicely done. That ought to earn you something I’m sure, but not sure what.

  16. I recently rode in this car. I had dinner with Rick Woodbury and spent an evening talking to him about this concept car. Concept car? No, concept yes, concept car…no. His idea isn’t to make a wooden Flintstone vehicle. Its a car that will protect a communter during rush hour traffic, get them to work on time, save space on the freeway, and at a cost per mile that so far can’t be met by any hybrid or ICE.

    I’m going to buy one of these as soon as the price is at his target of $10k each.

  17. you don’t get me because you don’t want to listen to reason. you don’t want to move intellectually.
    you are absolutely correct it would fall over if it weighed much less. that is exactly the problem with the design. I’m not asking too much of the company, merely saying it’s a fundamentally limited design. better with thin outboard wheels. stable and can be made ultra light thus more efficient and faster, more easily. it’s not as narrow but that can’t be helped. deal with it

  18. I dont get you, realy i dont.
    You complain about wierd things like weight, without that weight it should be limited to 10mph for safety as it would tip over in every corner otherwice.
    And the aerodynamic aspect lets just say this: Its half the size so half the air resistance already.

    You demand way to mutch from a tiny company building these things in a garage.
    Maybe when/if they get mass production you will get your superexpensive version.

  19. sigh, yes I do need lighter.
    I know its performance but I also know what cost it comes at energy and cost wise.
    weight is good for safety but only against other overweight vehicles. otherwise low weight is fine and we have to think ahead.
    if you reduce the weight to 25% you only need 25% of the energy and power to drive it at low speed. the body can be made more aerodynamic too. because of its dependence on a heavy keel it is fundamentally flawed. deal with it.

  20. 1. The weight is good for safety
    2. You dont need any lighter, did you notice the performance of the little beast?
    3. Efficiency.. Well its probably the most efficient car except for those extremely small solar cell cars they race with.
    Its more efficient then Tesla because of weight/power/size and efficiency cant even be mentioned when it comes to cars based on mechanical engines.

    Only problem is people dont like small cars, but the few years of oil left will help with that i think..

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