Ford Mustang: Consumer Reports 2012 Top Pick Sporty Car

Ford Mustang: Consumer Reports 2012 Top Pick Sporty Car

The Ford Mustang excels at combining performance with everyday livability. The V8 delivers incredible acceleration, but the V6 is no slouch. The Ford Mustang is Consumer Reports’ 2012 Top Pick Sporty Car. Watch all of our Top Pick videos:

25 thoughts on “Ford Mustang: Consumer Reports 2012 Top Pick Sporty Car

  1. Fuck yeah! I feel the same bro! the new mustang is fat and chubby xD  the old was the true mustang. And i think than i can say the same for the camaro, charger, challenger, GTO, and some more…

  2. The modern V6 is more powerful than the old school V8. The V6 mustang is a brilliant value and awesome car.

  3. So ford should have kept with the original 1st ever mustang and not changed anything?

  4. People just don’t understand that though. They think the V6 models are just crap and a waste of building the car. The fact of the matter is without the V6 models people probably wouldn’t even keep buying them.

    Me personally I love the big 3 V6 mini-muscle cars. You’re still driving a very nice car and at a decent price too.

  5. just that damned Getrag CHinese crap… god my heart still broken about it. thats why I didn’t get it well I did.. as a birthday present to myself, and then 2 weeks before the car came.. that damned investigation in the states stopped me in my tracks…I got a 392 hemi Challenger with a Tremec.. which makes me wonder why ford didn’t do that with the other mustangs. I know the GT500 have it.. was it just to save money?..

  6. “It’s light and nimble”? Yeah right, he probably hasn’t driven a Mazda Miata.

  7. ok and my buddys 09 bmw’s cheak engine light came on, then didnt start. some shit to do with the key wiring. wow, funny you mention the power seat stop working lol. i actually met a guy last week at a cruise night here in ontario… the power seats in his 10′ GTR stopped working. so he replacent them with some recaro racing seats or some shit…. yup quality their too

  8. Ford has decided, in its infinite wisdom, to completely change it…..AGAIN. This time the look is totally different and totally unacceptable to most Mustang enthusiasts. The passion and loyalty buyers have demonstrated over the years has been ignored…AGAIN. Gone will be the lineage and history…now it’s all about young buyers who don’t give a damn about cars in general, and Mustangs in particular. Looks like Ford has fallen gack into its old habit of killing another money-maker.

  9. I am a hardcore v8 fan, but I would really like to know what a 2012 twin turbo V6 could do…….. hmmmmmmm

  10. my 93 5.0 gt is still rumbling and every now and then still shocks someone at the redlight

  11. A car that beats the BMW M3 ( the benchmark car). This car will beat all cars in its price range and some in the 6 digit range as well and decent gas mileage specially with the gas prices in the 4 dollar range. Japan and Germany does have a car that can beat it and not go broke.

  12. so you dont like how it looks and you dont care for some of the drivers you met? cool story bro…

  13. That’s because the ’08 model year was built in ’07, before Ford’s restructuring and turnaround in ’08/’09…you know, the reason why they didn’t have to take the government handouts like GM did? I’ll agree, before the turnaround, domestic cars were essentially pieces of shit, but since then, Ford has skyrocketed to the #1 spot in terms of initial quality for a non-luxury brand. GM and Chrystler have both greatly improved as well since their near-death experiences.

  14. Kudos to Ford there for making the Stang GT more nimble and better handling than the Camaro. Last check the Camaro had independent suspension vs the mustang live axle. I don’t like it, but Ford done a good job in this department. The 5.0 V8 is also sweet; almost as good if not better than BMW M3 V8.

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