Lake George Car Show 2010 – 1

Lake George, NY Car Show @ Fort William Henry Kim invited me to walk around with her and her husband and the grandkids…I had a great time & Im going back for the NEXT ONE! What a CROWD! Awesome HOT CARS :-) Things to do that are FREE! NO EXCUSES people, get out there and walk around, find things to do even if its by yourself. Go meet people!

12 thoughts on “Lake George Car Show 2010 – 1

  1. Very nice. Love the music.

    Can you tell me what it is and by whom?

    Can I buy it?


  2. Thanks for commenting! I hope to get up there again this sat. and video the Americade that started today!

  3. hey I’m here in Connecticut. near the casino. Good job.. Love the old cars!

  4. They have to make their money giving out tickets because Lake George is a ghost town in the winter. Not a lot of people and shops are closed etc. It sucks.

  5. last yr when we went they were burning out on the strip and cops were just wating to hand out tickets and they even arrested a 67 yr old guy caus he was having them drag race. cops are assholes:/

  6. Cops are a PITA but there was more people there than Ive ever seen at the 2010 show .THey could do a burnout pit though.

  7. Neat video Gail, Lake George looks like such a beautiful place, very nice.

  8. They shut down part of the road and the cars drive up and down showing off and they let it rip a bit and everyone screams and claps. I didnt pay to get into the show in the Fort William Henry parking lot. Around 11 pm the streets got LOUD and the party was in full swing. I was leaving in my car and didnt have the camera rolling but yeah, cops were out in force issuing tickets left and right. I agree with you, the guys need a “Place” to go and be allowd to show their stuff. Thanks!

  9. great video !!!!!!! BUT this show is nothing compared to what it was 5 year’s ago they have lost alot people do to the cop’s cracking down on the night cruiser’s which in part had become a tradition of burning there tire’s for the crowd’s. they are worried about safety which i understand but they need to find a spot to do the smoke sho’w because people love to show off there power and we love to see and smell it. i predict this show will eventually fizzell out if they keep going as they are

  10. Wow, cool and great cars..looks awesome..and great video..i like your videos, we see alot of things..and i like that :) Have a wonderful day :) )

  11. Yup I have been to one of their car shows before. Looks like you had a wonderful time and oh so pretty cars!!!!!

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