Driving Sports Reports – Extra! 2011 Subaru STI Revealed, 10 Car Track Comparo

Episode #19 – 2011 Subaru WRX STI revealed at the 2010 New York Auto Show and, yes, the wing is back! All the details. Plus, 10 new cars compared at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca. Which will have the fastest lap? Ryan hits the track to find out.

周杰倫官方版MV_ JAY CHOU OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO 超跑女神詞:方文山曲:周杰倫杰威爾官網JVR Music Official Site: www.jvrmusic.com 周杰倫Jay Chou Facebook: www.facebook.com 周杰倫Jay Chou in iTunes: itunes.apple.com 電子結合R&B編曲與快嘴饒舌情歌,罕見的搭配組合,營造出女神出場時令人神魂顛倒的景象,也訴說著眾人心目中的女神形象;這是方文山第一次寫關於跑車的歌詞,是屬於方文山展技的地方;快板的饒舌在慢板情歌反差裡,有一種莫名的和諧,而這是周杰倫甜蜜的展技!方文山藉著車子的各種特性、配件來描寫男生看到女神出場前屏息等待:「座椅上的安全帶在緊繃我打開了敞篷」緊張感瞬間凝聚;「你專心在畫睫毛我專心在等你笑」,女神出場前的氣氛鋪排很重要,「你的口紅顏色太過主動」讓人踩下油門直往前衝,緊張得像發燙的排氣管;太緊張只好打開天窗卻說不出一句話;女神果然神力無邊,其實不管是口紅、睫毛、或是水晶指甲是什麼顏色如何嬌俏,只要一個微甜的笑,都足以令人瞬間傾倒受寵。
Video Rating: 4 / 5

48 thoughts on “Driving Sports Reports – Extra! 2011 Subaru STI Revealed, 10 Car Track Comparo

  1. If you happen to be driving a car a lot less, you should be shelling out a lot less. Visit this site to find a far better offer, and lose your pricey auto insurance.

  2. also, Lap time comparisons aren’t so much fun. Different tracks allow bad handling cars to hang in when they shouldn’t. I’d really like to see the best stock rally cars compared. If you feel getting you could stick them against the best muscle cars after that.

  3. sad about the sti track time getting messed up. I am really interested in the 2011 sti limited. I’m a big believer in un-sprung weight giving the car crisper and far more definite responses. It’s one thing about the limited that makes that 4,000 dollar jump. No problem.

  4. wow i watched this entire fucking boring ass video to realize that you didn’t even throw the STi into the mix. the only reason i opened this video. fuck you faggots.

  5. No worries. Ryan had the lid corrected recently. Turns out it was caused by a childhood injury that even he didn’t know about.

  6. a lazy eye is a slow moving eyeball. Ryan has a droopy left lid. If you’re going to try an insult, at least be accurate.

  7. Oh sh.t am watching this vid just because I wanted to see how would STI stack up against those puppies and ended up errrrrrrr

  8. why did you even compare rally sport models factory race prepared vehicles. Totally bias test.

  9. shouldn’t you compare the SS camaro insted of the RS if you are going to put it with the rest lol??

  10. well, arn’t you a peach, I asked how much because i wanted to know. I dident ask for your lame as# comment. fyi I also asked because I am in the market for a new track car.

  11. if u need to ask how much u probably cant afford it! the srt 10 coupe has a msrp of $ 93.635 and the srt 10 acr is $108.185

  12. a MINI Clubman S a sport car? shit, my MKV GTI has more power and can beat that mini on any track like that…bad choice for #10

  13. Why not test the as? Oh and fucking horrible comparison considering how every car is in a different class and the only two cars that r comparable( the evo and the sti) they didn’t even testdrive for bullshit reasons.

  14. whats up with mitsubishi and subaru. They are making the gayest stis and evos ever. they look like minivans on springs. Shitty… really disappointed.

  15. 真的假的 可是我覺得他帥是因為他很有才華欸
    隨便一個路人都很有才華嗎 ?
    只是比較酷一點 幹嘛說人家跩啊

  16. 會寫歌的男生帥啊:)
    你喜歡他 我相信大家沒意見
    但是 羅志祥的時代咧 還真敢說
    不喜歡Jay還來看 你是太無聊來討罵嗎

  17. 那妳憑什麼不尊重人叫人吃大便啊 = =
    但不需要廢話吧= =

  18. 當上了年紀,體力下降時,再強的舞蹈員也要退下來,杰倫的音樂才是不朽的

  19. 最新專輯「十二新作」



  20. 我不認為粉絲把偶像當神有甚麼問題^^

  21. 舞蹈夠努力也能做得好

  22. 7

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