Marussia sportcar. First russian supercar

Первый русский суперкар! First russian supercar!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

CARJAM TV – Subscribe Here Now For The Best Car Videos In The World Like Us Now On Facebook: Website: Radio Twitter: Youtube: Watch the first exclusive film of the all-new Cayman. Built to our specifications and the code of the curve, this mid-engine coupe celebrates its World Premiere today at the LA Auto Show. More information on New Porsche Cayman 2013 Awards The Cayman has been the recipient of a number of awards, including: Automobile – All-Star 2007, Best Sports Car 2006 Car and Driver – One of the 10 Best Cars 2007-2009[12] World Car of the Year (WCOTY) – World Performance Car of the Year 2006 Top Gear – Sports Car of the Year 2005 Auto Express – Greatest Drives & Best Sporting Car 2007 & 2006 Frankfurt Motor Show – Autoweek Editors’ Best in Show 2005 Playboy Magazine – Car of the Year 2006 JD Power’s Initial Quality Study, Best Compact Premium Sporty Cars 2006 JD Power’s Automotive Performance, Execution and Layout Study, Best Compact Premium Sporty Cars 2007 & 2006 Wheels Automotive Design Awards, Best Exterior 2006 Car Plus Magazine Car of the Year Award, Best Sports Car 2006 Motor Trend, Best Driver’s Car 2009 The Cayman R was introduced in 2011, and is based on a 2009 Cayman S. It features a new body kit, new 19 inch lightweight wheels, lighter aluminium doors, lighter bucket seats, and together with the removal of the radio, storage compartments, air
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 thoughts on “Marussia sportcar. First russian supercar

  1. Ебанный в рот! от 4,5 миллионов рублей она стоит! Нихуя себе русская машина! Сколько жигулей можно разбить за эти деньги!!!!

  2. Supercar, this is not, more like a kit car you would buy out of a magazine and put it together with you buddies on any given Sunday. I would love to see this car try to get homologation.

  3. If they make the fastest fighter jets they can make Sports Cars also
    Just make them good and affordable please.

  4. Жаль только что у нее движок от УАЗа…..xD

  5. У этой тачки на спидометре после 100км надпись “DANGER”, да, я больше 100 и не советую гонять на ней xD, ну сами понимаете…..

  6. If anyone has seen the spec on this car it SUCKS! Just because it looks like a super car doesnt mean it is, like these!

  7. lol…Looks like a transformer…Tasteless design…cheers…lol.

  8. И сного кипит наш и забугорный разум возмущенный ,лжепатриотов которые при любой возможности нагеют своего брата ,и пендосов попрежнему относящихся подозрительно в РФии .Хр кароче парни ,все лишь трепите языками .

  9. Yet they can’t make a supercar that can’t even reach 200 mph while America made a supercar that can go 256 mph..

  10. Она создавалась под Европу. Чтобы доказать, что не все плохо с отечественным автопромом.

  11. cause non exist outside of the press tour yet. Only the demonstrator vehicles are built so there are non out there floating around yet, outside of the factory prototypes.

  12. Каста такая же американская рэпчина, только на русском. Сюда бы пошел советский марш из Red alert3

  13. These cars are about as antiquated as the rest of the Russian automotive industry. C’mon transversely mounted mid-engine? Why is it impossible to find a video of this thing actually driving fast either? Whats the secret?

  14. Автор, ты НОРМАЛЬНЫЙ?! Нахрена в русском видео американскую песню вставляешь!! Не позорься!

  15. If her spelling and grammar is anything like yours, I seriously recommend she goes to college.

  16. Now if only they had some sense and stopped putting garbage dubstep to car commercials and let you hear what the car sounds like.

  17. Just give her some old magazines to cut up. Her collage will be as good as anyone else’s. (sorry, couldn’t resist)

  18. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

    Also, a lot has changed, especially under the hood, and for the better. Porsche engineers are one of the best out there.

  19. This looks leagues better than the old Cayman! The roofline and wheelbase tweaks helped a lot. Cayman had always looked kinda ugly in profile since the roofline was too long. This new Cayman looks so sexy–damned perfect IMO. Profile looks phenomenal (reminds me of current Carreras and best aspects of old Cayman).I can stare at 1:20 all day, lol

  20. Why is the Porsche Cayman S more than twice the price in Australia??? Porsche Australia RIP OFF, Nice car, pity about the Australian importer!

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