Classic Toy Room – MATCHBOX MODERN RIDES 2 cars review, W12, 911 and Corvette!

Classic Game Room presents: Classic Toy Room reviews MATCHBOX MODERN RIDES 2 collection which contains 5 cars including the Volkswagen W12, Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet, Lotus Evora, Shelby GT500 and Corvette! From Mattel.

25 thoughts on “Classic Toy Room – MATCHBOX MODERN RIDES 2 cars review, W12, 911 and Corvette!

  1. Cool video Classic Toy Room – MATCHBOX MODERN RIDES 2 cars review, W12, 911 and Corvette! – YouTube…you should check out my channel!

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  5. I still remember my old Ferrari F40 matchbox. It was grey with some bits of red left after playing with it for years. Too bad I had to give it away with the rest of all my toy cars :( 

  6. agree to you but Hotwheeels are looking pretty badass
    and matchbox wins in realistics
    but hot wheels has some realistics too like the lambo aventador

  7. I like em for modern rides like corvets and Ferrari. But many of them are too unrealistic for my stop motions.

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  10. i collect these little cars too and I got a question,I have the exact same porsche 911 as you,I bought it from a used goods store,what bothers me and intrigues me the 911,it has 3 wheels with the ridges that you mention,but,the rear passenges side wheel is a different type.It has a different design on it,no ridges,and,its a little bit smaller then the rest,it has no sign of tampering,it looks all factory! The little axle pin thing is intact! Any ideas as to what may have happened? Thanks,Dave.

  11. You can probably re-start your collection on EBAY or something like that.  I hope you find some! Good luck!

  12. my brother used to work at mattel, he got back a blue/chrome pur sang, veyrons are probably the rarest too because people buy them so fast…

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