Hot cars but even hotter women.flv

Nice cars on the screen but who really clicks on this to see the cars eh? ;)


Kids locked in a dangerously hot car were saved by a group of skaters and some good samaritans. The parents locked there keys in the car and left there two 1-2 year olds in the car alone. Filmed at Crossroads Park in Bellevue Washington. Skaters- 1. Kenta 2. Julian Castaneda 3. Hunter Krech 4. Nick Lukens 5. Ken Maddy Filmers- 1. Nick Lukens 2. Hunter Krech Thanks too everyone that acted quick enough to save the babies.

30 thoughts on “Hot cars but even hotter women.flv

  1. Just so everyone know i was the original creator of this video as there is esactly the same video on my other account alexj665 but i no longer use it becouse i have forgotten the password :/

  2. Wow. I was told that car windows are really weak, and if I so much as touch them wrong, they break.

    But when I saw that kid wail on that window with the skateboard, I was actually impressed. Way to go glass manufacturers. Are all car windows that tough? Or is it just Chevy?

  3. @Jamie Rieger In the summer it could get hot, and the babies were in a car so for them it was like a microwave.

  4. i can’t believe that women was so stupid to lock her keys in the car!
    so amazing that the skaters did that!

  5. lol.. skater-dude looked like he got hurt bouncing that board off the window….How hot does Washington get anyways???, and good thing they busted the window before cps and the police came…i bet the mean lady that wanted those kids to die probably called them in to child protective services anyway…skaters inspire though…..LETS BREAK SOME SHIT!!!

  6. relly tok that long 2 smash window out fuk that would tok door of then smashed it round her head llol

  7. After all those years of hitting my dads car with footballs. I never knew car glass was so tough aha

  8. this could be a movie…….called…… my kids are stuck in a car thats hot and is locked because i forgot to take the keys out……..and my kids…….

  9. maybe cops should watch this because they seem to always be after skaters and it might teach them they all arent punks…

  10. can you guys check out my channel im a fellow skater who makes videos. i know the basics so im ok :)

  11. lol i give them skater prop for trying to take the hero, but whatever ok parent accidently locked the car with their kids inside with the keys, first thing first, Call the cops, cops will be there within 4, 5 mins, with a slim jim, and unlocking the car for you, what just happened cost you about 500 dollars, and a waste of time of everybody’s but i understand they freaked out cuz kids in the car omg, but thought they could handle that differently instead of Chaos

  12. that one old lady was like DONT BREAK THE WINDOW n i was like how are you supposed to get the kids out? ???????

  13. ok wrong caption for video more like skaters fail to open car they werent even using the truck to smah it they were trying to ue the noes or tail of the board to break threw car glass not smart thank god for the big man with no shirt he should get the credit. not the skinny pussy wanna be skaters.

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