Audi Buys Ducati, MG Crossover, Car Sounds Guy, 2015 Infiniti G, & Saab bid!

Audi Buys Ducati, MG Crossover, Car Sounds Guy, 2015 Infiniti G, & Saab bid!

Yes Audi has bought Ducati and it’s another feather in the VW cap. MG will reveal a new crossover called the Icon at the Beijing Motor Show (we wont get it here, but just saying), and some kid on Australia’s Got Talent sounds like cars. Plus some details on Saab, and future Infiniti’s including the 2015 G series and production Etherea. That’s all today on Fast Lane Daily with the usual shenanigans, hosted by your boy Derek D! Follow FLD on Twitter: FLD Facebook Page: Derek D Twitter: FLD Forum: Australia’s Got Talent car voice sounding guy:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Saab IQon Infotainment System

Saab IQon Infotainment System is a ground-breaking car communications platform, using Google’s Android operating system. Based on pioneering ‘open innovation’ with third-party service providers and application developers, it comprises an embedded computer platform which seamlessly connects to the Internet when the car’s ignition is switched on.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 thoughts on “Audi Buys Ducati, MG Crossover, Car Sounds Guy, 2015 Infiniti G, & Saab bid!

  1. 2 inches longer! They say size matters, I dont know, but Mercedez/Infiniti seems to think like a women.


    JESUS CHRIST is the light of the world. Whoever follows Him will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. Turn to Jesus Christ !

  3. You know how you guys do a Dumbass Tuesday? Would be good if you do a Badass Thursday or something… no ?

  4. So since you guys aren’t ever gonna put the background music back on or make me commenter of the week can I at least have that shirt!? Or the money clip!? Please!? :)

  5. Since you guys at FLD obviously have better things to do than explore the weird part of Youtube, here are videos that I make that Australian kid seem average, feature one of these and tell everyone how smart I am. I’m not asking.

  6. VW ist und bleibt die beste Automarke der Welt! VW is still and will be the best carbrand in the world!

  7. It’s Eastern Daylight-Savings Time. Just sayin’!

    It’s time for the whistle……

  8. I project each episode to be 14.5 minutes because of all the minor screw ups/all in 1 take shooting starting next week :P

    It’s gonna be awesome!!

  9. IQon was pretty much as finished as it gets. Too bad GM felt they had to ax SAAB.

  10. Unfortunately thats why saab went out of business, for inventing to technologies but never really finishing them.

  11. See the tricks your car insurance representative doesnt desire you to find. Go to this web site for the cost benefits your broker is not telling you about.

  12. oh and fk the Saab website, why the fk do you need to be reading it while driving?

  13. Ambient lighting is fking gay and retarded… and you drive the car with the steering wheel, which should always have both hand on it therefor why does it matter if it is moving? you there, are a moron

  14. Hay acaso otra alternativa para el mundo de la tecnología que Apple baje sus precios que están hasta por los cielos?

  15. Hay acaso otra alternativa para el mundo de la tecnología que no sea copiar a apple¿

  16. i bet when you put it in drive it disables all games, internet interaction and videos, just like any other in dash

  17. lol, yea. i have sprint, sucks but been with them forever and i LOVE my Kyocera Echo dual screen.. other don’t have it yet or i would swtich

  18. True, true….Unless you have tmobile, but I suppose people don’t wanna have to switch to tmobile for everything.

  19. you still need to pay extra for the mobile hot-spot feature.. so in turn you kind of do have to have a plan for your car

  20. I can now Tweet WHILE driving….. how stupid is this.. when your driving you need to be DRIVING!!!!

  21. wow this a hazzard android has free angry birds i can play angry birds and drive at same time


  23. Yeah, that’s what drivers need to be doing- searching for tiny icon on a screen while they pilot a 3500 pound hunk of metal. Great!

  24. Looks like IQon has that down, from that main screen I only see climate control, stereo, and navigation. I’m curious to see whats behind the service icon, hoping for nifty diagnostics…

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