Lamborghini Aventador in GOLD! Exotic sport cars Ferrari,Audi. Florida 2012

I was making video on a beach and find out a car show cross the street,can’t pass it Video was made in JULY 21 2012 If you like my video please press LIKE and share it with your friends. Thank you for watching
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Another remarkable concept from Rinspeed that turns a sexy sports car into a sexy amphibious vehicle. You’ll love this video, it has everything, including mermaids! The Rinspeed “Splash” is the true incarnation of a really cool and fun sports toy. At the push of a button a cleverly thought-out hydraulic mechanism transforms the sports car into an amphibious vehicle. But that alone wasn’t enough for Frank M. Rinderknecht founder and boss of Rinspeed. A highly complex integrated hydrofoil system enables the “Splash” to ‘fly’ at an altitude of about 60 cm above the water.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

46 thoughts on “Lamborghini Aventador in GOLD! Exotic sport cars Ferrari,Audi. Florida 2012

  1. I would actually say its worth it.If I had known this was going to be on the other side of Florida, I would have traveled from Cape Coral to come and film it.

  2. ЛЮДИ ПОДАРИТЕ МАШИНУ ХОРОШУЮ/ НУ ОЧЕНЬ ХОЧУ ТАЧКУ. НА ПРАВА СДАЛ, А МАШИНУ КУПИТЬ НЕT ДЕНЕГ, HELP ME PEOPLE! present to me the car, please.I have no money to buy the car

  3. Sick cars!!
    Dude, I give you MAJOR credit for having that steady of a hand!
    Great video, my friend!

  4. therefore they solved the problem by making the rinspeed squba. which is probably 100 times slower.

  5. ….or I can buy a watercar and have a real vehicle and boat….this just looks stupid!!!!

  6. Exotic/Sports cars on my full car channel if you got a minute check them out!

  7. slices and dices manatees I like it !.. would hate to hit a log with it, looks like it will do nice cartwheels on the water after one of them flimsy looking foils breaks slap off OFF. the good thing is when the foil breaks off and hits you in the head you will be sleeping with the mermaids.. gurgle gurgle gurgle.. I hear mermaid tail is low in fat and contains small amounts of Viagra

  8. I would be most interested to see how it gets itself out of the water, particularly since it appears to be rear-wheel-drive only.

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