Lada : The revival of the Russian people’s car.

Russian Hour meets Lada fans in the UK, explores the history of Lada car production, Avtovaz’s near collapse and it’s brighter future. With some exclusive insight into the Lada XRay concept car in our interview with Steve Mattin, Avtovaz Chief Designer.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

After a near-death-experience, Arizona citizen and realist George Lindell sings a rousing ode to the constant, yet oft forgotten, fragility of the human experience. Original news story: –Does YOUR life need Songifying? Try the iPhone app! or on Android: Find more of us Gregory Brothers: YouTube! Facebook! Twitter! Webs! Lyrics Well, I was just driving down Northern Avenue And all of a sudden I was just minding my own business. BAM! It hit me hard from the back! FOOM! The fire was everywhere! FOOM FOOM! Blowin’ up, made a big loud noise like BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! I was like – OH! The fire was arcing like a rainbow SHEWW! A little spark jumped up and I was like WHOA! Totally out of the blue. Reality hits you hard, bro! (The time and place, you’ll never know – Reality hits you hard, bro.) I still feel kinda shaken up Kinda crazy right now. Guy’s still stuck in there. His car is still hot. They’re gonna shut the power off Get that guy out of there. Hopefully get his insurance card, So I can get my vehicle fixed. Chords: Em GAC Am DGCF#7b5 B Em E7
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “Lada : The revival of the Russian people’s car.

  1. im i the only one who thinks the video is funny as hell accept for how the creators come out in it thinking it funny but it really isn’t?

  2. doesn’t even make sense you just had to force a “joke” because of your display picture

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