Classics Revealed: The Affordable British Sports Car ) By some estimates (and in the hey day of British Sports Cars) the U.K. had almost small 1000 cottage car builders. Of course you pr…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Enjoy the 66 start up sounds of many sport and exotic cars… In order of appearence: Aston Martin One 77 Aston Martin DBS Audi RS5 Audi RS6 Audi RS3 Audi S8…

46 thoughts on “Classics Revealed: The Affordable British Sports Car

  1. How do you tell how old a vintage Jaguar is? Is there a stamping on the chasis or do you use the Vehicle Identification like an American car? The reason I ask is that my friend that drives a truck came across 2 in a field here in the states. We are going to stop and talk to the property owner and see what they want for them. They aren’t XK120s or XKE’s, they look very old.. 50s maybe 40s…

  2. could you do a show or make some comments about the veloster vs 2012 beetle? How about veloster vs.. fiesta?

  3. Saw a beautiful truimph here in phoenix today. Glad we were stopped at a light.. we both just gawked at it.

    Good vid btw :)

  4. Thanks for the kind words. If you like today’s Classic Revealed video just wait until tomorrow when we feature a crazy James Bond Sunbeam Alpine with machine guns and all of the classic car’s other movie props.

  5. Oh man, that was great. Please do many more of these. I love that you are branching out and not only doing new car reviews. You guys are great, do more car stuff, any car stuff :)

  6. As the ex-owner of a 1972/73 MG Midget I can tell you anything with a MG badge is not affordable…or reliable.

    Also pulling over on the side of the road and opening the bonnet to turn the heater on..not very fun.

  7. I thought that was a Citroen I saw in there. Cuz I was gonna laugh and say the veloster. :)

  8. FYI: It is another non uk car, but it belongs to one of the mechanics as his daily driver and it wasn’t in the shop for restoration.

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