Antoine Dodson News Blooper (Original)

Woman wakes up to find intruder in her bed. Her brother Antoine Dodson has something to say about it! Antoine Dodson warns a PERP on LIVE TV! ( Please SUBSCR…
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24 thoughts on “Antoine Dodson News Blooper (Original)

  1. uptil I looked at the bank draft that said $7101, I have faith …that…my sister woz like they say truly earning money part-time at there computar.. there uncle has been doing this 4 only 12 months and as of now cleared the morgage on their mini mansion and bought a great Land Rover Defender. this is where I went, >>>>>>>>>>>

  2. It’s mentally impossible to watch this normally after you’ve listened to the song

  3. Dawgess,thems 2 fists comin atchya pre-greased with hog lard. Betchya if that Sista was Ms.Caucasion White they wouldn’t be all menion like her name,her hood & showin it all on the map.Its like them saying on air “Hey,its open hunting season on brown beaver right here where the map is marked X.
    Wait til we get us a real Black President,we be shown yo lily white asses.

  4. Antoine and Sweet Brown need to have children. Those children will notice rapists in Lincoln Park, but will not have time fo dat.

  5. hide yo kids hide yo wife and hide yo husband cause they rapin’ everybody out here.

  6. One things pretty clear. Most black people have big problems to express themselves. 

  7. To be honest, this guy helped his sister not get raped and fought him off. He deserves some recognition.

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