Meteorite hits Russia – footage – compilation 2/15/2013

Meteorite hits Russia - footage - compilation 2/15/2013

Asteroid 2012 DA14 cluster hits earth. Scientist claimed there was no chance earth would get hit – apparently they didn’t think about clusters and fragments….

25 thoughts on “Meteorite hits Russia – footage – compilation 2/15/2013

  1. When should we expect the 100 pound hailstones?

    Get real, neither meteors nor volcanoes are anything new, save your bible thumping for when you’ve got evidence to back it up, trying to make connections to obscure passages in ancient books doesn’t mean a damn thing.

    Besides, we’re all going to die some time, apocalypse or no, what’s got you so excited to see it happen sooner?

  2. [continuation of below] It made think…

    Could the Russian meteor have been a fragment of that asteroid that just missed the Earth at the same time?

    Might our governments have hit the asteroid enough to make it just miss our Earth yet causing a fragment to still reach the Earth (and crash in Russia) ?

    It makes sense for governments not to tell us of impending impact – the looting, rioting & breakdown in public safety would not be worth it.

  3. I just watched the 1998 U.S. film “Deep Impact” again recently. 4 things in that movie came true:

    1. Black president in U.S. (Morgan Freeman–>Barack Obama)

    2. 2 space bodies coming very close to Earth at the same time.

    3. Smaller body hits the Earth (Russian meteor in reality, Atlantic Ocean in movie)

    4. Larger body doesn’t hit Earth (DA…forget its number…just misses Earth by 1/20th distance to Moon, larger part of comet destroyed by spaceship “Messiah” in the movie).

    It made me think

  4. and it happen to hit at 9:11 …. Relates to alot of random shit happening on that day /time

  5. not in a matter of seconds alex. huge asteroids very rare but ones like the one that hit Russia thay come near us every year thay would wipe out a city. not all the earth the scary thing is one might be on the way now and we would never know.

  6. so right on that, the song its my type of music! Hey peeps are using this to get this in mp3 =>

  7. …and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky… (Revelation 8:10)
    From the sky huge hailstones of about a hundred pounds each fell upon men. (Revelation 16:21)
     …and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. (Revelation 8:8)
    The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. (Revelation 9:1)

    who said the bible was lying the end in near like Illuminati(new world order) you hell bound god bless

  8. The earth has been here for millions and millions of years it isn’t going anywhere. We are! Pack your shit folks we’re going bye bye..

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  11. our planet earth can be destroyed in a matter of seconds no warning…..just a thought and something to think about.

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