Honda Amaze Diesel Road Test Video Honda has amazed everyone by introducing Honda Brio Amaze sedan. However, the car hasn’t been launched in…

READ THIS: A few Nazi Checkpoint / roadblock guards kick in a mans door then lie about it. The man involved has NEVER been in trouble with the law in his ent…

27 thoughts on “Honda Amaze Diesel Road Test Video

  1. who the hell chose him as a host? ppl will stop buying the cars that he reviews !

  2. he was hurting himself so we tased him………… really????? now does that make any sense what so ever?

  3. I don’t think it’s proper to call it a Nazi checkpoint. I mean they aren’t shooting us for non-compliance… that often.

  4. 6:34 YES she came to you ‘Domestically’ to get this info. You Idiot!
    She can do this all day ‘without’:
    1) Reason(s)
    2) Occasion(s)
    3) Motive(s)
    4) Ground(s)
    5) Case(s)
    6) Matter(s)
    To sum it all up, in english… BLANK STARE …she does not need ‘Cause’ to approach a checkpoint ran by Border Patrol within the US Border, regardless of where it is, temporary or permanent, and you are required by law to provide, or point to the place of proper inquiry. PERIOD! Now stop being opinionated and work!

  5. asshole pigs thats the usa bro sucks cops most cops are assholes with guns need more cams

  6. You are so jaded, your tone says more than your words. As for all you see, of course that is all you see…your eyes have blinders on them and all you see is what you look for. Because you are limited with your sight, know that there is a serious problem within this country with law enforcement infringing on the rights of Americans. You say “as always the ‘i got rights…’”, well, we DO have rights! They are our rights! Not above the law idiot, THAT IS THE LAW! Our rights by law. BY LAW!!!

  7. The entire purpose behind these checkpoints is to teach Americans that they are helpless.

    When citizens feel helpless against unconstitutional roadblocks, they begin to feel helpless against less overt forms of tyranny.

    200 years ago, Americans would have overthrown a government which bailed out Wall Street crooks and let them keep their multi-million dollar bonuses. By cultivating a sense of helplessness among the people, the government has neutralized any threats to its omnipotence.

  8. Well its supposed to be different here, where supposed to be a fucking free society, not this police state shithole…. revolutions coming

  9. How is an animal that eats it’s own shit a legitimate measure of probable cause?!? If you run over roadkill a dog will alert to your vehicle!

  10. The supreme court doesn’t appear in the video at all, and I can’t but wonder why you drag in random things that are totally unrelated.

    What we see here is two ‘sovereign citizen’ type dickheads who think the world revolves around them (and who are probably fat enough that it could), acting like pricks towards police officers, without any reason at all.

    Where in the constitution does it say “It’s an obligation to act like a wanker towards everyone you meet”?

  11. These agents are fucking morons. And you, Cranston Snord, are exactly what is wrong with this country. Thanks to our founding fathers, we have certain inherent rights. We have the right to travel freely, we have the right to demand agent names and badge numbers, we have the right to not be subjected to this type of treatment or unreasonable searches and seizures. You’re a fucking troll. You can go eat a million cocks per second. If you don’t know how, ask your Mom.

  12. nazi nazi nazi nazi, you and your ilk use that word all too freely. You should be grateful to live in the free’est country in the world. Use your time more valuably and go against the damned crooked government politicians so we can get this country back its basic freedoms that are being taken away one by one.

  13. have fucking found their way to all 50 states now the dirty pieces of shit. And before any American citizens of south of the border descent jump my ass, it’s the ILLEGALS that are making life hard on you. It’s the ILLEGALS that make it so you might have to show documentation. You want to bitch, piss or moan or even take action, take it out on the ILLEGALS for making it difficult for you!

    I detest ALL illegals from ALL countries, no matter their color. Be nice to BP agents & u’ll be on your way!

  14. Finally, this 4409 dude can go suck a greasy illegal’s dick in my opinion. He can take his “lily white” comment and shove it up his ass while getting blown by a male prostitute. For his information, there aren’t BP checkpoints “all over this country”, I’ve driven all over this country and pretty much in border states is where the BP agents are. So what if they are 20 or 100 miles from the border…I DO think there should be a BP presence in all 50 states because it seems illegals from Mexico

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