NICB Warns Consumers About Flood-Damaged Vehicles

With all the flooding along the Ohio and Mississippi Valley’s the National Insurance Crime Bureau warns consumers about the risk of purchasing a flooded car. Roger Morris talks with WAVE3′s Chris McGill about the warnings for those in the market for used cars.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

One of the most frustrating things that can happen when you are bulding a project is finding out the parts you need are no longer available. This can usually bring the project to a screeching halt! But all is not lost because there is another option…and today on GearZ, Stacey walks you through the ins and outs of hunting for those elusive parts in a salvage yard. After that, it’s back to the shop where Stacey shows you how to restore those old, rag-tag parts that you find. It’s auto recycling at its best, and with today’s economy, it’s also a smart thing to do!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “NICB Warns Consumers About Flood-Damaged Vehicles

  1. Wish my local scrap yard was nice enough to let people drive out into the yard it would make getting parts a lot easier.

  2. also no junk yard around me will let you pull your own parts. its unheard of around here.

  3. you must be in western canada right? thats another spot that things dont rust.

  4. DAMN that car was completely rust free! its bullshit you cut it all up. it looked like you could have just driven it out of there and been on your way. cars that are 10 years old dont look half as nice as this old buick did! i need to move down south. shit!!! and talk about CHEAP for all those parts. holy crap.

  5. do barter? im in canada and i can buy old model a’s for 300, with almost zero, it all maters on who you friends are

  6. “WOW” $200. awsome ! i pay $250 for a complete motor $125 for transmissions in central florida D.I.Y. yards

  7. I like where i live at. The “Junk” yards around my house They have wheel barrows/ Engine cranes/ Jacks/ Torches/ and if needed they have a front end loader with forks to help.

  8. Why in the world would anyone want to do something like this? Because its fun!!!! Nothing like spending a Saturday roaming around a junkyard to see what you can find ; )

  9. That would be an easy 1500 dollars at the salvage yards by me. 200 is a steal

  10. the nailhead is an awesome find. I would have thought they had a grand or more on their trailer there lol.

  11. umake it sound way easier than it actually ever evvvvvver is. o well if it gets people into it thats what matters i guess. btw there is no way for the average person someone would be charged 200.

  12. I hear ya. If I could get parts for those prices, I’d be rich! Maybe I should ask them to find me a steering wheel clock for my 58 Belvedere. Might set me back a whole $15….I wish!

  13. I can’t even find a bare 390 block for 200 dollars, let alone a nailhead! lol

  14. local junk yards usually charge about half of what the part is new… no matter of condition

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