Please direct all questions to Jim Santilli, Executive Director of the Traffic Improvement Association of Michigan, at (248) 334-4971. This video was produced for the “Remembering Ally: Distracted Driving Awareness Campaign.” The campaign was created by the Traffic Improvement Association of Michigan in memory of Ally Zimmerman, a 16-year-old Romeo High School student and Oakland County resident, who was killed by a distracted driver. More than twenty law enforcement agencies are participating in this effort, in addition to numerous high school and college students, concerned citizens and businesses, and members of Ally’s family. The campaign also includes a TV public service announcement, poster, awareness wristbands, and more. These materials are available to high schools, colleges/universities, and law enforcement agencies in Michigan. They are also be available nationally through the TIA website, and promoted on social media sites. Presentations are being given, in partnership with law enforcement agencies, at high schools and colleges/universities. As a 16-year-old award-winning performer, Ally Zimmerman loved giving back to others. She had many dreams of changing the world. But her dreams, along with her life, were taken away by a distracted driver. When you drive distracted, you endanger your life and the lives of those around you. So remember, life is precious and can change in a second, especially when you drive distracted. Keep your eyes on the road, and your …
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thank you all –everyone–I work in a hospital in Canada-I added this because I know how honest it is–-my heart goes out to Allys mother Ms Zimmerman ; Ally’s friends and all the first responders ;all the health care workers.If posting this saves one life then perhaps some good may come from such a tragedy
Thank you, and we hope the video helps encourage your daughter to not text and drive.
Thank you so much for putting this video together-I have tried to make my daughter understand the dangers of texting while driving to no avail, now that she has a baby, I thought she might not want to endanger his life, but she still texts while driving unless I am with her which is not very often, I am going to show her this video in hopes that the horrible reality will make her use better judgement. My thoughts and prayers to all victims and their loved ones.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens. In 2010, seven teens ages 16 to 19 died every day from motor vehicle injuries. Per mile driven, teen drivers ages 16 to 19 are three times more likely than drivers aged 20 and older to be in a fatal crash. Fortunately, teen motor vehicle crashes are preventable, and proven strategies can improve the safety of young drivers on the road.
0:28 immediately wrong.The leading cause of death is Suicide.
Ok thx my prayers go out to her and her family just outa curiosity do you know if the girl in the er survived
The person in the Emergency Room was not Ally. A realistic crash was instead shown and we included the Ally story.
on my way to an iron maiden concert in utah i saw over 2 dozen people with a cell phone to their ear one girl eating 2 girls doing their nails, and 1 guy drinking a beer!
Just wondering was the person in the er ally or was tht crash they showed different
Watched this at school today. People are stupid these days. Wreckless driving. They put innocent people’s lives in danger.
I’ve never been in an accident, but my step mom was. She was supose to pick my dad at work and when she drove there was some idiots who were driving on the wrong side of the road and trying to act cool and all of a sudden bang. She could not see the other car and they (the idiots) drove really fast.
God rest her soul
It’s awful when people assume first.
the life of an innocent person.
Don’t comment on things you don’t know about. Nobody cares who you do or don’t pity. Save yourself the time of typing and have compassion for people. Even if she was at fault, which she was not, at all, everyone makes mistakes. Even you. Grow up.
I think I have seen that.
I was on my way to Lafayette,in to see my kids so I took the country road and I was coming up behind a gray min van she was doing 70 mph then out of now where she slows down to 25 mph in a 55 mph a swerving all over the place almost hit a car head on I got around her to see whats up with the driver and looked over this dumb Brod was texting while driving I was like REALLY U COULDN’T PULL OVER WTF?!!!!!if that ever happen to me I’m going to shoving the cell right phone up drivers ass
Not that I want the police to have more power to pull innocent people for nothing, however I think they should make distracted driving penalties like DUI in the enforcement. I see it all the time, not a good thing.
You’ve probably never met a sweet girl in your life because they’re staying away from ignorant douchebags like you. Read the fucking description. It even says she was killed by a distracted driver. Get lost, you’re pathetic.
Its stupid people like you that cause accidents !!! If you had watched and understood this video you would NEVER have made this stupid remark. RIP Sweet Ally…:(
In any situation, both good and bad, communication and conversations about how to make the incident happen more frequently, or never again, starts between concerned citizens in their community.
I ask all of you, would you want this accident to happen countless more times in your neighborhood ?
i am part of a research methods class at the university of rhode island. we made a PSA about texting and driving and are trying to spread the word to prevent it. please help by sharing our video. thenextfewdays . com
I once tried texting a very short message while driving… sort of “I’m almost there” and believe me I’ll never do it again, ever… People you DON’T text and drive
please view my message its in relation to the same things, texting and driving and the dangers it comes with!
please type iphone 5 user accident – JNM Modern Enterprise video