Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 – Carepackage Edition Unboxing Video *NEW* Dragonfire,Double Steelbook,Nuketown Zombies

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25 thoughts on “Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 – Carepackage Edition Unboxing Video *NEW* Dragonfire,Double Steelbook,Nuketown Zombies

  1. yea its that expensive :/ thats why i said its bs and not worth it, anyone can get it for like 10

  2. They’re way over doing it for this game that no ones going to be playing next year, when the next cod comes out.

  3. $4000HKD for this shit. Not worth it at all. Shit for $4000HKD? I could get it off the road myself. Dicks.

  4. not trying to start anything but they started it first with mw3 which i dont play i play bf

  5. Seriously? Battlefield had that elite and camo thing half a year ago. All they do is copy

  6. they are maybe adding the look of the disk separating the regular disk look and the cover disk look!

  7. …. “no disc yet , but well get the disc done and get it right in the case”….

    dude you didnt finish the game and your showcasing you care package and your game hasn’t gone gold yet ….im done

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