Who Killed The Electric Car

Who Killed The Electric Car

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 thoughts on “Who Killed The Electric Car

  1. You wanna know why gas prices are really high? Not really so much the oil companies. Actually, gas would probably be about $1.50 a gallon tops if our government didn’t tax the living shit out of it, which is what inflates the price. Blame the government and their war on the middle class, not necessarily the oil companies.

  2. I wouldn’t call the Mitsubishi i-Miev good looking by any sense of the word. And while EVs have really evolved from their first inception, they’re not practical for all things (like you said road trips). You would have to own a second car just to travel long distances. These issues are why Toyota actually killed their EV program. And yea I really can’t see paying $45,000-50,000 for a car that just won’t be as useful as a normal car.

  3. The travel distance of newer EV’s isn’t particularly low. For a road trip yes, but for the average commuter there’s plenty of range. A lot of new designs are awesome looking. An electric engine with power equivalent to 300 hp can out-perform most 500+ hp supercar engines at all ranges, although admittedly with that performance comes either excessive cost to efficiently attain high speed, or a low cost top speed of around 100 mph or so. Some of what you said is true for the past; not the present.

  4. Says Al Gore, the biggest hypocrite of all time. Trust me, only the middle class will be driving these vehicles; do you think him and his buddies will? Hell no. They’ll be opting for the Rolls-Royce that still gets a combined total of 13 mpg. It’s just class war, nothing else.

  5. Bullshit, oil companies didn’t kill the electric car. What killed the electric car was its obvious limitations like its short ass travel distance, ugly design, underpowered engine, and small size. Their high MSRPs didn’t help either as nobody is going to spend a shitload of money on a car that won’t be able to get a recharge in most areas during the middle of a recession anyway. The US government is retarded for trying to push such a useless and unfinished product.

  6. America is not addicated to oil America is slave to it and the American people are slaves to their oil masters. LOL some funny s%&* considering you people look at African American as if they are still enslaved to and by caucasian people. But what you dont know is they you are all slaves and your masters the Arab owned oil company. LOL Pretty ironic isnt it. LOL electric car transportation technology does not depend on oil but your entire transportation system does now who are the slave.

  7. the oil companies killed the electric car they own the big three and American economy. Who you think pay the middle east, the US ecomony.

  8. 1:22 “You’re gonna make me drive a small car, you’re gonna make me keep my house cold, and essentially you’re gonna make me live like a European”

    Someone is asking for a inter-continental kick in the crotch.

  9. The commercial at 19:14 was very much intended to turn away new customers it seems.

  10. Early 19th century oil came from Pennsylvania located in the US of A…not considered a terrorist state anywhere as far as I know. Next time you go to a gunfight,leave the knife at home or accept losing said fight. Stay on the ship of fools patriot,we don’t need your kind here.

  11. You should be required by law to wear a special hat and have a big L for loser tattooed on your forehead as a warning to stay away from you because you are dangerous and not able to think bright thoughts.

  12. Plug you car in fool and shut the f&ck up until you have a REAL argument and can prove what you say, you lame brained IDIOT. 1890 had you primarily using oil lamps,horses and buggies and dumping the gasoline parts of oil into the waterways to get rid of it to make grease. Stanley made steam cars…fired them with oil and electric trolleys proved to be retarded thinking as they can only ride on expensive track systems…maybe they needed to explore your grand idea of batteries for everything.

  13. The biggest problem with arguing with an unarmed idiot is the bystanders not knowing who is who. You need to study up a bit before you argue with a person of greater intelligence. This does not flatter me at all and in the end you will learn nothing as you have proved so far. Study physics and higher math,learn to read and entering the arena with gladiators does not work when you are challenged mentally as you have shown us no proof of what you know and what little you do.

  14. it is obvious that you are not educated. Yo think electricity leaks out of the wall socket magically clean and efficient from start to finish.Thomas Edison is your hero for claiming to be the father of modern electricity. Tesla was not originally a DC powered car and responsible for providing us with AC current and multiphase AC motors and alternators among other very great inventions and was stifled by Edison over his not wanting to lose his ass trying to use DC as a means of providing power

  15. The elctric was was first made in the late 1890′s….its obvious that if they continued to make these car widespraed that the batter technology now would be very efficient and we’d see long range EVs…the companys decided not to persue this, instead they wanted to support the Terrorists in the middle east and mexico and hurt this country….Real American Patriots want to use American Energy!!! Stop supporting the scumbag oil people.

  16. I love how this film is FILLED with PRO UN AND NWO Hellywood people like ‘ol Martin JESUIT Sheen and many others yet you people think that they are oiut to help you. I heard blahg blah global fake warming, blah blah, global warming, blah blah. This technology has been out for the past century. This is truth mixed w lies to fake all the liberals into the global; warming tax control scam. GOOGLE IT. AND BTW, Stan Meyer and his WATER CAR blow away any bullshit Ive seen here. GOOGLE THAT

  17. 1 of those illegals mowing their lawn is OBAMA… same club, same results. Carbon emissions DO NOT account 4 global warming. Stop listening to al gore who is just part of the same elite power structure trying to enslave us all. I do agree that big money is behind this, but jumping for the “solutions” might be another tactic for CONTROL. in the end we’ll still be FORCED to take what we are told to while living in the false UTOPIA u speak of. Its being made to make u think ur free. thats the trick

  18. Examine the cost of a charging hookup in your home,and why the taxpayers should have to foot the bill for remote stations that might be ten miles too far away to get your wife and kids home. Or call the electric towtruck and wait for a hook to show up and bring them to safety if they are smart enough to get off the road after the batteries run out of juice. And you call ME bullshit??????

  19. Big picture:combine trips,carpool,stop stupid trips air tires and pay for tuneups or quit driving if saving earth is your gig…Carbon dioxide credits do not fix the problem either,they just transfer the problem to another source which is often worse that the cars for pollutants…our tax dollars at work…California is a mess because the people made it one…move if you can’t breathe the air there, Try reading to learn about stuff if you are lacking the education required to make sense of it.

  20. no,read the facts Hayzeus.Then comment on facts not fiction.This is more propaganda than the truth and if you knew squat about cars you would know that.I DO in fact know about cars and can smell the crap from where I am sitting…and besides,would you trust the gov’t and retards if it affected your payday? The automakers gave up on useless junk as they have a right to make a profit and not try to have idiots run their business.A lot of Calif electricity is from natural gas fired plants. readup

  21. you are bullsh*t if you think these cars were given a fair shake, obviously the car makers didnt’ want these cars even though there was a demand…Isnt’ that very Suspicious…

  22. this bullshit documentary pissed me off and I hope you greenies think you win if they bring this shit back again…eat your electric car and drink tainted battery cleaning water fools…then explain how it is helping the big picture…open your eyes and see what is in front of you,not what you think is proper…These last two comments were left by a 40 year automotive professional who looks at ALL technologies,not just at what makes him feel good…

  23. Of course you do, your bias :P


  24. Can Aptera go some stock races among major cities?
    I guess it is only for Jay, too expensive for average people, right?

  25. They should have made the aptera and not the problematic fisker karma.

  26. foxnews.com/leisure/2012/05/10/200-mpge-aptera-electric-car-saved-by-chinese-american-partnership/

    Not this time Jay!
    And what if something hit one of those protruding wheels? Whew..

  28. -> The Aptera is sooo cool!! Too bad the company went bust prematurely…

  29. I would rather get in a wreck in a “Tesler” though…and the Tesla would probably look better than this after the wreck as well.

  30. Electrical cars create more pollution. The amount of coal use to produce the ion batteries and the electrical charge pollutes grater than a conventional gasoline car.

  31. Electrical cars create more pollution. The amount of coal use to produce the ion batteries and the electrical charge pollutes grater than a conventional gasoline car.

  32. Electrical cars create more pollution. The amount of coal use to produce the ion batteries and the electrical charge pollutes grater than a conventional gasoline car.

  33. 8:42

    “You don’t feel cramped; you don’t feel like you’re closed in here.”

    Saying that when he can’t even open the windows

    Still love the car though

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