“Car Show” – Aesthetic Forge Tutorial

Learn how to build a series of vehicles ranging from a sports car, to a helicopter, and a garbage truck! This community created map was brought to you by Wolferious To submit your own maps and forge creations visit our forums on 343industries.org: www.343industries.org
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on ““Car Show” – Aesthetic Forge Tutorial

  1. That would best be built in a separate aesthetics tutorial – featuring flipped cars, etc.
    This one was merely the basics on how to build vehicles, nothing too fancy, but very practical.

  2. ah… you’ve actually gone ahead of me in this conversation.

    you have even won most of this conversation saying that. all i will say now is… the helicopter. that can remain stationary in the air.

    and i meant the ground vehicles might be hanging off a cliff… or had flung round and landed on it’s roof. how would you build it then?

  3. Character…? If they were in the air, they would be static, ultimately resulting in floating ‘blocks’. So unless it’s possible to make them move, they serve more purpose on the ground as ‘landed/non-operational vehicles’.

  4. with all due respect… they do. otherwise they are merely blocks. no character. just aesthetics.

    knowing you all i can say is that if you want to become a better aesthetic forger you need to build character.

  5. Child, learn some English spelling and grammar.

    *You ask why there would be a Ford section? Obviously, you have never visited a real car show before.

  6. U ask why there would be a Ford section? Obviously u never been to a real car show before

  7. “8:42″


    break lights… duh. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrh….
    what are we going to do with you oakley -_-”

  8. this tutorial is hardly any good. the planes need to be able to be forged off the ground…

    a lot of these aesthetics are poorly proportioned. but i admire the hard work put into this map.

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