hot girls with cars

just some cool pics of girls and cars
Video Rating: 3 / 5

Harley Morenstein: The 12 Greatest Hot Wheels Ever Made - CAR and DRIVER

Epic Meal Time’s Harley Morenstein hosts Car and Driver: Rundown series. The premiere episode takes a look at the 12 greatest Hot Wheels ever made. What’s your favorite Hot Wheels? Tell us in the comments below! Subscribe! Connect to Harley Morenstein: Twitter: Facebook: Connect to CAR and DRIVER: Twitter: Facebook: Each week, the Car and Driver YouTube Channel will launch episodes of Car and Driver: Abroad, Car and Driver: Tested, Driver Rehab, Car and Driver: Rundown, Popular Mechanics Saturday Mechanic, How’d They Do That, and Road & Track Presents.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

28 thoughts on “hot girls with cars

  1. I hope you think before you talk in real life. You must sound stupid as hell every time you open your mouth. I’ll be laughing my ass off if the guy you replied to lives in Monaco.

  2. You’re in a country where we only send shit cars because you’re poor as fuck.

  3. I have a 67 camaro…same as that one…but its black. I wonder if it is the has the exact same features, found it in my basement a few years ago…i think my grandfather gave it to me when i was very young

  4. The twelve in the video are cool and all, but really, Maelstrom, Vulture, Splittin’ Image and Hyper Mite are my favorites.

  5. My Subaru Justy has got 2 engines. They may be lawn mower engines, but its got 2 of ‘em. Meet me on the drag strip. I mow a lawn at average speed, but get paid twice.

  6. 6:14, “Does it get any better than that? No it doesn’t”! Then why is it not #1?

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