Autoworkers Compete To Keep Jobs, Livelihoods On New Reality Show

Tune in to Auto Warriors to watch two Ford plants battle it out before the LIVE season finale event: one plant will close, 3000 will get the axe!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

24 thoughts on “Autoworkers Compete To Keep Jobs, Livelihoods On New Reality Show

  1. “If you wanna find ouit about Jose and the medical bills from his mangled hand? You’re just going to have to keep watching!!” lmao!

  2. Today Now is my favorite segment on The Onion Network! SoO controversial lol

  3. “now there’s camera’s so the bosses make us follow OSHA rules.” Nicely played.

  4. this is not entertainment at all. wtf? these are people jobs on the line. Not funny at all

  5. This is actually genius. Pitting workers against each other so they don’t support each other like in those filthy, filthy unions. Make them fight for the crumbs!

  6. This is so much like a Belgian movie I just watched – “Un Chaine Pour Deux”. Only it was about a bicycle with two production lines being bought out.

  7. I lived in Russia for 10 years. Russia sucks but women are beautiful and Russian is ok language.

    So maybe you should tell your fairytale (very subjective opinion) to some one who doesn’t know better :)

  8. They aren’t. Take it from a guy who lived in Russia for three years, they’re all bats. Filthy, disgusting, old-lady who can bench 300 bats. Occasionally you get a GORGEOUS one who has a soft voice, knows English (Russian is an ugly language), and a rockin’ body. But they all move to Europe or America, because Russia is a shit hole. No, not Siberia, developed Russia is a SHIT. HOLE.

  9. genius ford, now that they have a profitable TV show at ford, they can use those profits so that less people need to lose their jobs, pure win

  10. @ivymullaley It’s sad because it’s believable… They’ve got a show on tv where you can watch people play a game show to decide whether or not their car gets repossessed. How sad is it that that’s what’s considered entertainment, watching peoples lives fall apart. You know this Ford show would be an instant hit.

  11. “No, outdated equipment is pretty normal in a factory, but now that theres cameras everywhere our bosses make us follow the OSHA rules” -lol, that is not satire, that’s actually what happens.

  12. @ivymullaley However the point of a satire is to make a point. Onions have made many many good points about the reality in the U.S.

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