Glasgow & West – Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A boy who was left brain damaged following an accident at school will receive compensation after a judge ruled the local authority was to blame. A health service watchdog is calling for urgent action to improve the cleanliness of patient equipment in hospitals across Scotland. Scottish policeman Stephen Mitchell has been found guilty of six counts of misconduct. In other news, Glasgow City Council has published details of budget proposals aimed at saving £45million in the next financial year and the sister of a woman killed in a speeding car is backing calls to reduce the speed limit in all urban areas. This is an international version that may have been edited for rights reasons.
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Gameloft video podcast#14 with the iPhone and iPad games: Fast Five: The Movie Official Game, Order & Chaos Online, Green Farm, Let’s Golf 3, and iPad games Starfront: Collision and Asphalt 6: Adrenaline, and some news about the Asphalt Audi RS 3 contest winner! Official site: Friend us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter: Visit our blog:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “Glasgow & West – Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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  7. When are you guys going to make more podcast and is there going to be a upgrade on Modern Combat 2 ?

  8. Wait, May is over. But no podcast 15? Either they are waiting for something huge or the podcast is canceled.

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