NASCAR Coach Reveals Winning Strategy: Drive Fast

On the eve of the Sears Classic 500, legendary NASCAR coach Dan Amon shares his strategy for driving really fast in circles. More coverage at:

25 thoughts on “NASCAR Coach Reveals Winning Strategy: Drive Fast

  1. Yeah, I’m pretty sure that the vast majority of Americans hate NASCAR. I’d rather watch golf for Christ’s sake.

  2. NASCAR is different because you have to watch all around you and check everywhere and in f1 you go in a line and I’m not saying that’s easy at all but its one thing then basically comparing to the exact oposite I like them both :p

  3. I never said F-1 was easy (it’s the highest level open-wheel racing), I’m just saying the cars are easily damaged, whereas in NASCAR you can beat and bang and rub fenders with another driver and not instantly get wrecked out of the race like you do in F-1 or Indy Car….

  4. No, but I see a video about a guy that drank Drano, it literally burned away his esphogaus (sp) and stomach so that doctors had to take his intestines and attach them to his throat so he could eat…

  5. Ever drink acid? No? Never have your esophagus melt into your chest? Try it, let’s see how long you can last. (This would also be terrible to watch)

  6. NASCAR is very much like chess, at 150+ MPH. It’s a lot of thinking and planning, not just mindless going in circles. But if you don’t like it, good for you. There’s other sports to watch. But how many other sports are non-stop from start to finish? Football? Nope, stop after every play. Baseball? Nope. Stop after every pitch. Basketball? Stop every few minutes (or seconds near the end of a tight game) Hockey? Same as basketball. Soccer (football to any other country)? Lot of kicking, little…

  7. Ever sit in a car that can reach 150 degrees inside with no A/C, 42 other cars around you going 150+ MPH, engine so loud you literally can’t hear yourself think, your crew chief and spotter yakking in your ear, and plotting strategy 3+ laps from now (pit? no pit? go high? go low? etc)? No? We should put you in one of these cars (that can take a hell of a lot harder hit then anything in F-3 or F-1 ever could!) and let’s see how long you can last

  8. yea its amazing that you happen to have a bigger geogrpahy than other countires. thats really something to be proud of.

  9. My favorite part of Americans is that we are such a big country that we can hate different parts of America whereas smaller countries can only hate other countries. It’s what makes America so great.

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