Skuff TV Action Sports and Carnage – Taj Burrow in 300 frames per second

Legendary cinematographer Rick Rifici shows off his Red Camera filming Taj Burrow in 300fps over in West OZ. AMAZING footage, no doubt get ya frothing for a surf.

How To Replace CV Boots - EricTheCarGuy

How To Replace CV Boots – EricTheCarGuy This one is a request from more than one person so I’m happy to bring it to you. As I said in the video I personally don’t see much point of replacing just the CV boots anymore as it just makes more sense to replace the axle, that’s just how I feel however. If you do want to replace the boots I hope this video will help. – Click below and Stay Dirty Visit me at Visit EricTheCarGuy Forum Visit my Facebook Page: –ETCG Due to factors beyond the control of EricTheCarGuy, it cannot guarantee against unauthorized modifications of this information, or improper use of this information. EricTheCarGuy assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. EricTheCarGuy recommends safe practices when working with power tools, automotive lifts, lifting tools, jack stands, electrical equipment, blunt instruments, chemicals, lubricants, or any other tools or equipment seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of EricTheCarGuy, no information contained in this video shall create any express or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not EricTheCarGuy.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “Skuff TV Action Sports and Carnage – Taj Burrow in 300 frames per second

  1. i’m tackling the inner boot today, thanks for the great vid. def looks easier than expected.

  2. Thought I was going to have to replace the whole shaft, and after watching this video I realized I only had to change the end. You saved me a lot of work thanks!

  3. Eric,
    I over extend the inner boot of axel while it is still on car, how can i put it in place while still in the car.

  4. if you are gonna change both of the boots you can just put the inner boot on right before you but you outer boot on, that will make it easier because then you already have your inner boot on.

  5. I tried t lift my 02 civic with a car and the wheel didn’t even go up what’s wrong

  6. How much harm can a normal pipe clamp do if put on instead of these “special” ones that need special tools?

  7. Eric, it isn’t necessary to ‘clock’ the joints in relation to one-another? By this I mean, having to re-orient the splines back to where they were originally?

    Just checking.

  8. Yes, if you do the work yourself!
    Eric works on other’s cars… This, and the low cost of a whole CV axle, is why he doesn’t bother. PLUS, this will renew the whole axle, save on the time to re-grease and clean up, etc… Rags.

    Good video!

  9. CV joint is still sound (no clicking, boot just split recently) replaced the strut assembly at the same time.

  10. I couldn’t for the life of me get that damn snap ring into the cv joint with the screwdriver method, what I came up with was to use a hose clamp over the snap ring same as you would a piston ring compressor and then drive the joint on. Worked like a charm! BTW $100 for an axle assembly $18 for the cv boot, on a ’99 accord w/200,000 miles it made sense to save the $80.

  11. answered my question in the first minute! i knew my procrastination was the right thing to do!

  12. Eric, i think your really are awsome…do you have anything in regard to adjusting your parking brake. I have an old 92 toyota tercel and it is not letting me adjust the rod…any pointers.  Mike

  13. car just wont be controlled easily or at all. ull still prob have control on the other side.

  14. so i have a 4×4 truck and i heard some popping on a turn on the right front wheel and looked under i didnt see anything but i knew my cv boot was torn so i reached in it to see if there was anything floating around in there and i pulled out some pieces of metal

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